Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
“Shit! Dane, can you hear me? Wake the fuck up!”
I hear my brother’s voice, it sounds desperate and so far away. “DANE!”
“For fuck sake shut up!”
I open my eyes, to find myself hanging upside down. Blood dripped down my arms and face as I try to make sense of what happened ‘What the fuck happened?’ Aero asks, coming too. I don’t answer as I try to get my bearings.
The car is on it’s roof, the windscreen shattered. Broken glass sits below my head. A sharp pain radiates from my chest making it hard to breathe. I could smell the fuel leaking from the car, it would be seconds before this whole thing went up in flames.
Jenson mutters. He is fighting against the dashboard that was crushed against him. Forcing it back a centimetre at a twith his hands. If we were human, we would already be dead.
Reaching down to release the belt. I feel it. The chuck of glass sticking out of my chest, close to my heart. For all I know it could be piercing the very organ that keepsalive. Of all the ways I thought I would die, it wasn’t like this.
“Jenson, look at me.”
“Hold on, I’m nearly free.”
He stops punching the dash to look at me. The cuts on his face from the glass were already healing. I see the terror in his eyes as he takes in the large piece of glass sticking out of me. The sthought runs through his head as what ran through mine.
“No….no, no, no, this is fucking happening. You are having kids! You can’t leave Neah. She needs you. We all need you.
“Jenson, you know as well as I do, that the pack will already know something is wrong. That’s why you didn’t want to look at me, you could already feel that I was in trouble. Neah will feel it too.
Dane,’ Raven’s voice screams through my head. ‘What happened?’ Car accident.’ I half chuckle back. ‘Sasshole cout of nowhere.”
But you are okay, right? Please tellyou are okay!”
I look at the piece of glass sticking out of my chest. My eyes go to Jenson as he uses one foot to stomp the dash back off his other leg. Promiseyou will protect Neah.’ I mutter through the link. ‘If I die, promiseyou won’t abandon her.”
No.’ She starts to tear up. ‘She’s carrying your children.”
‘And until they are old enough, I need you and Eric to help her run the pack.’ Jenson has his hands pressed against my chest. He couldn’t hide the worry in his eyes even if he wanted to.
He carefully removes the belt that is holdingupside down. Catchingbefore My body moves too. XX much and dislodges the glass. SS Slowl dragsfromthe c> wreckage, pullingall the way to theopposite side of the road, just as thé car goes up into onebig fre ball.
I mutter. “The human cops will be here soon. “I’m not leaving you.”
Jenson rips my shirt open, pressing around the wound with all his weight. “It might not be in your heart.
‘If itis and you remove it, I die.”
f I don’t, you-will die anyway, unable to heal and sdnstantly pouring out with blood. What about Neah? What about thetwins? You know Roarwil take her ar if you are not about! You know’she will never be the sif she h@loses you.”
4 Turning my head to one side, I spit out the blood that had been creeping up my throat. I try to link Neah, but Nyx has her blocked off.
“Are you trying to piss off a dying man?”
“You aredying.”
He wraps N something around the piece of glass and yanks it out tossing it to oné and yanks it o side, He holds his hands against my wound. I watch his eyes glaze over. “Who are you linking?”
I cough up more blood “My sister. If there is anyone who can help. it’s her!”
Sirens erupt in the distance. But no one had passed us or stopped so someone had alerted them. The artha other car that had hit us is long gone.
“You have to go!”
I snap at my brother.
“Not a fucking chance. I made the mistake of following your orders before.”
He pokes lat my wound and I watch him smile. “It didn’t hit your heart.”
“Are you sure? “Raven said you would be dead by now. And you are healing. The cuts on your face have already healed.
I look down to see the wound knitting together. A thick pink line develops, gradually thinning out until it looked as though I had never been injured.
“And you need to because you are not going to like what I have to tell you.”
He mutters, not quite lookingin the eye “Neah bolted?”
“Eric and a few others are looking for her. They are trying to find her before Roan does”
Sitting up coughing, I listen to the sirens drawing nearer.
“We have to go.”
I mutter as he helpsget to my feet “You want to go home? What about Jess? I shake my head, “We just need to go. I can’t be dealing with humans right now. I need to find somewhere where I can think.
We move as quickly as we can. When I look down, the wound has completely disappeared like it was never there in the first place. I feel a sense of relief. Death was not something I feared. But now it wasn’t just about me, I had a mate and twins on the way.
We find an abandoned house and drop down on the dusty floor. ‘I hate humans.”
I mutter.
“Are you talking about the prick that hit us?”
Jenson asks quietly “Who else?”
“It wasn’t a human.”
Jenson murmurs. “You were knocked out. The guy stopped, got out of his car and looked in at us. Before laughing and driving away.”
“You are saying it’s a Wolf? He nods his head at me. “Who’s territory are we in? “It’s not, it’s neutral ground.”
I mutter as I close my eyes and try linking Neah again “Are you sure? “I know every pack from here to Greg’s packland. This is neutral land.
“I think you might be wrong.
When I look at him, he is looking past me.
Turning around, I see a large black shadow, crouching at the top of the stairs. Its beady eyes on us. It slowly rises to its full height, moving into the light where we could see it. A Lycan It growls at us, drool dripping from its bared teeth. “Another fucking one!”
Jenson snaps and I glare at him. I thought we had killed them all.’ Aero mutters. ‘How did one get away?’ I turn my attention back to the Lycan who hasn’t moved. “We are looking for someone. A girl with red hair. She is like you, but was taken from her home, from her family.”
It growls at us. “My mate is a female Lycan Alpha.”
I try, hoping it would show sform of interest.
It moves away fram the top of the stairs, disappearing around the comer and out of sight. A few minutes later, a blonde female takes the Lycan’s place.
“A young girl?”
The blonde asks? “She’s fifteen.”
“Why are you looking for her? You are Wolves.
“As I said, my mate is a Lycan Alpha. The girl is like her little sister. “I had one of those once.”
Her brown eyes stay on me.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?