Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
It was justin the moment. I never thought about my aim. My hand or rather my claws just went straight for it Except for Roan, f tortured him I feel a smile creeping up my face and have to force it away when Dane clears his throat. He is staring atwith his crimson eyes.
“You’ve been listening?”
I whisper
“It’s pretty hard not too.”
His tone is low and he squats down down in front of me. “Mallory told you that you have En.
to stop the dark thoughts seeping in.”
It was like I was being scolded. I couldn’t help the way my brain automatically tried figuring things out. It wasn’t my fault that I naturally looked for answers.
“You liked it when I found my confidence to kill.”
I mumble. We had sex in the forest that day. “I know, but if I lose you over it…”
He shakes his head. “I just can’t lose you or the twins, okay.”
I ned and try to clear my head as he stretches back up to full height, turning his attention to the training Lying myself back on the fake grass, I stare up at the blue sky. Dane was making the most of training this morning as a storm was supposed to be coming in tonight.
I hated storms, the sharp cracks of lightning always remindedof being hit, particularly whipped. I probably won’t sleep later.
Mallory comes bounding up to us after training. Her skin shiny from the sweat. She wipes her forehead, flinging the beads of sweat onto the grass, “So, how did I do?”
“As well as what I expected.”
She smiles at him. “Sa I got the job, right?”
Dane cocks an eyebrow at her in confusion.
“To protect Neah, right?”
‘I don’t need your protection!”
I snap and Danes hand wraps around my wrist as he givesa warning glare to calm down “What Neah means to say is that she doesn’t need protection right now. She has me.”
He smiles at her “I thought this was why you wantedto train?”
She scoffs, “To test my skills so you knew I could watch her.”
“I think you misunderstood me, Mallory. I said to test you while I watch Neah.”
Dane tells her. “I am grateful that you want to offer your services, but right now, Neah isn’t leaving my side.”
There is annoyance in her brown eyes, but I’m not sure if Dane saw it. If he did, he kept his face unreadable.
she sighs. “I just wanted to help, you let Damien help.”
“Damien didn’t givemuch of a choice.”
Dane murmurs without looking at her. His eyes are too busy scanning the people still training. “What does that mean?”
Mallory asks “It doesn’t matter.”
But I was curious too, what did he mean? AsTar asl was aware, Damien had just started planting’ himself i in locations near me. Fwill have’to ask him later when we are alone. … Mallory turns her head to me. “I was just trying to help.
I don’t respond. Because the words ready to cout of my mouth will have Dane worrying. Instead I force the words back down my throat and ask if he has any more snacks “Not on me. We are done anyway, let’s go.
We turn away from Mallory and Dane drapes an arm around my shoulder. “What are you up to?”
I murmur as we leave the grounds. “Just working through something. Until I know more, all you need to do is focus on growing my sons.
“No secrets.”
I mutter as I’m kicked in the bladder.
“It’s not a secret, it’s a theory.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
He stopsand spinsaround to lock athim, encasing my hands with hig.”
“I am working on @fewy ideas: for now it is best that only I know If now it febesing the tcomes thatyou need to know, I will tell you.”
“Does anyone else know?”
He shakes his head at me. There’s a strange glint to his crimson eyes.”
The slook he had givenback k att Moonshine that first day. A Knowing look. A plan hovere@ beneath the surface.
I might have been scared once, even tried to hide away, but whatever the was up to, he was doing it for us and I had to trust that.
Raven Every single day I sat and waited. Thirty days and still nothing. Complete rasilence. Not a single link, nothing, but he was still alive. I lean back against the stairs, letting it dig into my back as I close my eyes trying to force a line between us to open “Why won’t it work?!”
I snap at midnight. My sanity was holding on by a thread.
You know why.”
She mutters back, just as frustrated.
“Well that’s a fucking stupid reason.”
I shouldn’t have to mark him to be able to link him. He had already claimed me.
She nods her head in agreement. It doesn’t makefeel any better. In fact, it was just a reminder of how different we are. A Lycan and a Wolf. I’m sure my parents must be turning in their grave. Three children, all mated to Lycans. Even worse, I had been mated to two.
I wish they were still here to see how you had turned out.”
Midnight whispers softly. ‘I’m sure they would be pleased.’ I knew mum would. She was the reason I beca pack doctor.
I sigh and push myself up, pleased when my leg doesn’t cramp. It was getting there, but still had a long way to go. I still walked with a limp, and the pain wasn’t constant. Maybe I would be walking properly by the tDamien got hJust as I’m on my feet, Eric tumbles in through the front door. A bottle of half drunk whisky hanging from his hand. The liquid swirls as he struggles to stay upright. He frowns as ssloshes onto the floor.
He had started drinking a couple of weeks ago and even his parents were at a loss of what to do. They were grieving for their grandchildren and now it seemed like they were grieving for their son too.
Dane had tried talking to him along with most of the pack members but his grief was heavy and he just couldn’t see a way through it. I wondered how his ex was coping. I knew she left a while ago and I half expected her to turn up, but nothing. Almost like she didn’t care.
I never understood how a mother could leave her children behind while she runs off.
“Hey Eric.”
I mutter, limping to him. When I grab the bottle, he letstake it. Which was progress in itself. “Where is he?”
He slurs, wobbling and falling back against the door fr”Who are you looking for Eric?”
“Big bro…”
he laughs to himself, his body slipping down the door fruntil he hits the floor with a thud. His chin drops to his chest and in seconds, snores vibrate through the foyer as drool creeps out the corner of his lips.
He stank and locked like he hadn’t shaved in a while. I groan and try to pull him up. His dead weight just slips through my arms “Dane!”

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?