Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
Less than a second later, the office door opens. Danes’ eyes fall on Eric and I watch his shoulders drop. He was ataloss too, they had been. best friends for as long as I could remember. Yet he didn’t know how to help Eric. None of us did. Could yaureven help a grieving parent? “Vodka?”
Dane mutters toas he crouches in front of Eric “Whisky.”
I mutter, lowering the half drunk bottle onto the small table near his office. A quick glance N through the office door and I see = Neah curled up asleep. A stack of books like the ones Klaus had been reading a few days ago are, piled high on Danes desk. It wasn’t like Dane to research something. He got the others to do that for him.
“Raven, givea hand.
I pull my eyes away and Dane is lifting Eric off the floor.
Limping forward, I pull Eric’s other arm around my shoulders. “Where are we taking him?”
“Just into the lounge, let him sleep it off.”
“You need to find a way to help him, Dane. He can’t keep drinking like this.”
“You know as well as I do, he will burn it off in less than an hour.”
“And he will start all over again. It’s not good for him.”
I groan “Just like it isn’t good for you to sit on the bottom step everyday waiting for Damien.”
“I’m not harming anyone.”
I snap “You are harming yourself.”
We dump Eric onto a sofa. He groans as his body sinks into the cushions while Dane and I glare at ene another.
“What would yqu do, if it were Neah?”
would I foldwmy arms up. I already knew the-answer. He would burn the world down looking for her. He = should{e grateful that I’m just, o> sitting on the stairs, waiting, hoping and-praying to the Moon Geddess that he walks through those doors. “You have a point.”
He mutters
I look at his tired crimson eyes as he straightens his spine. “Are yo@gding to lead the pack run tonight?”
I still wasn’t strong enough to go, but he needed the strength of the full moon. ‘I need to keep an eye on Neah.”
“I can do that. Dane, you missed the last one because of Salem, you need to go this one. And Neah will be fine. We will probably eat ice cream and she can listen tomoan about Damien.”
He snorts and cocks an eyebrow. “I will think about it.”
Glancing at Eric he tellsto let him sleep it off, “We can only help him when he is ready.”
As Dane leaves, I settle into the sofa opposite Eric. He barely spoke when he was awake and if he did, everything cout in either a slur or sounding like he had developed a lisp and none of it ever made sense. I wanted to tell him that everything will be alright, that…. But it wouldn’t be, would it. He had lost his world.
How could one beast destroy so much of our pack by himself? Dane had worked hard, for years, implementing strength and power. We had always had the upper hand and now cone beast was gradually tearing us apart. Even all the bitten Lycans with Cassandra and Trey hadn’t done this much damage. He had to be having help, but who? Midnight is quiet, but panicking. I knew why, she had the sworrying thought as me. What if the real reason Damien left was because he was helping his brother and didn’t want to be caught? It can’t be. It was a stupid idea. He wouldn’t have bothered marking me. Mallory?”
Midnight mutters I don’t think so.”
I whisper back. Though we were no longer bunking together as she had decided to go back to her home. ‘She’s trying so hard to prove her worth here in the pack. If she was trying to cause trouble, I think she would have given up by now.’ Maybe I was just tired and overthinking it. Maybe Salem was just a monster with no actual endgother than to slaughter us.
Leaning forward, I rest my elbow on my knees and cup my chin, watching the drunk sleep. There had to be something I was missing I still hadn’t moved by the tEric started to wake. He rubs his eyes and stares at me, his eyes drifting around the recom. “How did I get here?”
“You practically broke down the front door. I think you were locking for Dane.”
He rubs through his already chaotic blonde hair and yawns, stretching out his limbs. “Got any whisky?”
I glare at him. If I had to follow him to make sure he doesnt touch another drop, then that is what I’m going to do. “Why did you want to speak to my brother?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
He gets up and starts looking in the cupboards.
“Dane had it removed a few days ago.”
I snap.
Just forget it”He storms out and I hurry as fasts I can after him, [elglelgigle the spasming pain that decides to rip through my leg. skidding across the floor, I slam) myself into the front door, stopping hirf¥ from leaving. ~~~ “Raven, get out of the way.”
He goes to graband I make a swift punch to his balls. He lets out a howl and clutches his dick. “What the fuck Raven! ‘I’m sorry but you can’t keep going on like this. You are practically my brother and can’t watch you drink yourself] Sato oblivion. I’m sorry that Sa enrkilled your kids. I’m sorr¢.that he targeted them. I’m sorry that I cart bring your sons…”
<<> “They weren’t mine.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“They weren’t my sons.”
“That makes no sense. I helped deliver your second son. I was there.”
“But you weren’t there for conception and it turns out, I wasn’t either”
his fist hits the wall i found Mallory with F them. If they were mine, I would have felt their deaths and I didn’t. I could feel my mouth hanging open and work hard to tighten my muscles so I didn’t look so gobsmacked.
“You raised them. I’ve watched you raise ther. Your bond with them was…”
They couldn’t shift yet whigh e also means he couldn’t link ther; He wouldhave found out when they got theirWolves. Instead he finds out because they were slaughtered. “Who… who…”
I was trying so hard to get the words out “I think you already know the answer to that.”
My eves flicker to the open office door. Dane was standing there, his face rigid as he watched us. “Is it true? I had my suspicions.”
Dane sighs heavily “They were Jenson’s kids?!”
He nods at me. “We would have known for certain when they got their Wolves.”
That’s why he had been letting Eric drink himself stupid. Eric had lost everything.
Damien Every day I got a little closer and he would do something to completely throwoff my tracks.
He shifted regularly, swapping between Lycan and human, leadingfurther away from Black Shadow and my mate. But I won’t stop, not until he is dead, even if it means going to the ends of the Earth.
A handful of times we had cface to face. Not up close, but we could see each other across fields, a train station, and bridges.
As each day passed, the angrier I became. I just wanted to be with my mate, vet if I didn’t stop Salem. He would find a way to torment that pack and my mate forever.
Tracking his scent into a bar, my eyes quickly adjust to the dimly lit space. The smell of dried booze, piss and blood filling the air. It had been a few hours since he was here. Before I even entered, I knew why he had chosen this place He had always liked a challenge, long before he turned into a Lycan. Teasing and tormenting people. There was so much Raven didn’t know about the man she was once mated too. She had a lucky escape there.
Bodies littered the floor as the jukebox played. Half a dozen had their throats ripped out before they even had a chance to acknowledge what was happening. The other dozen had tried to put up a fight, losing against the beast that had attacked them.
Since being on the run, he had eaten every few days. Though this time, I was certain he hadn’t eaten in a week. He knew there was a risk I would catch him. He must have been starving to target a place like this.
I make my way through the bodies, just to check that all of them are dead. “Fucker!”
I turn to leave and hear a whimper that stopsin my tracks. There is a kid somewhere in here. Between the stench of booze, piss and blood, I had missed the scent of a child.
“It’s okay, you can cout. I won’t hurt you.
I wait for a few moments but nothing moves and the kid is quiet. Why had Salem left a kid alive? He had killed Eric’s kids without a second thought. “Pinky swear.”
The small voice calls out It had been a long tsince I had heard that. A smile creeps across my lips. “Pinky swear.”
A small girl crawls out from behind a curtain. Blood smeared across her face. Remnants of bruises littered her chubby cheeks along with trails of dried tears. A floral dress that was once yellow or even white had seen better days. It barely fitted her, a sign that she had been here for a long time.
She steps towards me, her body trembling. Tears in her bright green eyes as she tries not to look at the carnage surrounding us. She stops a few metres from me. A chain attached at her ankle, preventing her from moving any further.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?