Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
Not only was she locked up, she was a Wolf pup. Either Salem had been too busy to notice there was a child here, or he had left her for me, knowing it would buy him stime.
“What’s your name?”
She closes her eyes tight, screwing up her face as she chews on her bottom lip. “Dorothy.”
“How old are you, Dorothy?”
Big black circles hovered under her eyes.
“Do you know how long you have been here? She shakes her head at me. Her mousey brown, matted hair falls around her face. “You smell funny.”
“So do you She smiles atand opens her bright green eyes. “Are you like me?”
“No, but I know lots of people who are.”
She was aware that she was a Wolf, which was a good sign I had two options. One, take her to the police station, but that would raise questions that I didn’t have tto answer. Or two, turn around and take her back to Black Shadow, letting my brother get away.
“Let’s get you out of that, shall we.”
I smile as I squat, inspecting the chain She freezes as my hand touches her leg and it sickensto think what the bastards here might have done to her. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea for Salem to have chosen this bar.
The cuff around her ankle was easy enough to break through. It was m clearly designed with Dorothy’s strength in mind as it snapped in my hands. “Are you after the bad man?”
She asks as she letspick her up to step over the dead bodies. 1 am.”
“He smelled fugny too.”
She coils her arms around y neck, understanding that I was someone: safe. Kids this safe. Kids this age were resilient > compaied to adults. They only. Spe things’i in black and white andi Ss alse-why it is so easy to lure them away. . There are a set of keys on the bar. Grabbing them, I carried Dorothy out and hit the key fob, waiting for a set of lights to alertof which car they belonged to.
Settling hefinto the blue BMW, I notice a blanket on the back seat and drape it over her. She’s quiet as I strapher i in and when I tell her! m taking her somewhere safe, sl smiles and relaxes into re se Cdntent belongs to Dorothy was asleep by the tI pulled up outside the police station. Her head dropped to one side and rested on the belt as her long eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks.
I look out at the busy police station.
She would be safer here than at Black Shadsiv. They could find hera good hone, granted it would N probably be with humans but she wouldstil be safe. If I take her. fo Black Shadow, Salem could still cback, but she would-be with her own kind.
“Fuck it!”
My foot hits the pedal and I pull away, hoping that I was making the right decision for the kid.
It takes almost a week to get back to Black Shadow. Each night I stopped in a hotel to make sure we both got a decent night’s sleep and to feed us both. Not once did she ever ask for food and my guess is that they starved her or only fed her on their terms. So she had learned to wait, to ignore the hunger growls in her empty belly.
The first day, she ate like a dog. lapping up the food with her mouth. She didn’t know how to hold a cup without spilling and she definitely didn’t know how to use a knife and fork. She had been their pet, and from the age tag in her dress that said 2-3yrs, she had most likely been the bar’s pet for years.
Dorothy was so excited when I picked her up sclothes, but didn’t seem to understand what I was saying when I said she could change every day. She kept insisting that a pink dress was her favourite and that she would wear it all the time. So I just bought more, so she could wear a fresh one every day.
She was even more excited by a teddy bear that one of the hotel staff gave her and carried it around everywhere with her.
How could people be such assholes? To have the desire to lock up a kid was sick.
Driving up towards Black Shadow, I’m stopped by a couple of Wolves. Smiles etched on their faces as they see that it’s me. “Is he dead?”
One asks “Not yet.”
I glance at a sleeping Dorothy and the guy nods in understanding, wavingthrough.
Parking in front of the pack house, I could already hear Raven shouting at the top of her voice about something before I even got out of the car. She was pissed about something. And probably just as angry withas I hadn’t spoken to her since I left Walking around the car. I lift a sleepy Dorothy from the passenger seat. She peers atwith ane eye. “Are we there yet?”
It had been her favourite question to ask, multiple times a day.
“We are.”
She straightens her spin, widening her bright green eyes as she looks at the massive house. “Home?”
she mumbles “Home.”
Technically, it wasn’t forto decide, but I knew Neah wouldn’t kick her out. Especially when she learns where Dorothy cfrom. Pushing the door open, I’m met with Eric, Raven and Dane, all glaring at one ancther.
Danes’ crimson eyes settle onfirst as Raven slowly turns around to look at me. Her emotions flood through her as she stares at me. “Your….you’re….you are here.”
She mutters breathlessly, her hands clasped to her chest.
Her dark eyes move to Dorothy and she frowns for a second before her face softens. Most likely when she realised that Dorothy is a wolf, “This is Raven.”
I tell the kid, “The one I told you about.”
“Your girlfriend?”
Dorothy smiles as she stares back at my mate.
“Yes. And this is Dane. He is the cone in charge.”
“The Al…pha? She had caught on pretty quickly with the terms when I was trying to teach her.
“And that man is Eric, he is Danes…”
Shefinishes the sentence for me. I was’like a proud father. She: had todearn a lot in a short space of time”
m Dorothy.”
She mutters shyly – Raven is just staring at me. I expected her to say more, but she stepped forward with a limp.
“Hey Dorothy, why don’t you cwithand we will let the men talk.”
She holds her arms out to the kid I’m carrying.
Dorothy looks atfirst. “She’s good.”
I tell her. “She’s a doctor.
I put her down and she grabs Raven’s hand. As they walk away. I hear her telling my mate about her pink dress and the teddy bear. “I take it he is dead.”
Dane mutters when the office door closes.
“No, I ran into a bit of a problem.”
“So you brought her here?”
“She’s a Wolf.”
“Why didn’t you take her to her pack?
‘She was being held hostage and likely for several years. She doesnt know what her parents arecalled, the oply thing she is aware of is that is a sheds’ different to the men who WEE keeping her as a pet.”
I see the acknowledgement in his eyes. “He killed the people that were keeping Dorothy?
“Yes. Either because he was caught up in a frenzied attack to notice she was hiding, or because he knew I would help her and he used her to get away.”
look over To Eric, he still had a face.
like thunder and hadn’t spoken au word. But I could snel the booze on I his clothes. Now it made sense why Raven was shouting. “You take responsibility for her.”
Dane mutters, his strange eyes are darkening. “You brought her here, you lock after her.”
“Of course.”

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?