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Prince Mason
The wolf walked passed me to the nurse’s station and I could feel he was an Alpha. I heard he was asking about Ashlyn, and my stomach fell. This must be Alpha lan. The nurse at the desk told him a nurse was in with her and to wait, pointing him toward where I was sitting.
He walked over and sat down beside me.
“You waiting for Ashlyn?” I asked him.
“Yeah, are you?” He asked, confused.
“Yes, I’m Mason.” I introduced myself.
“I’m lan, her mate.” Thor let out a loud growl, and he furrowed his eyebrows. The nurse that exited Ashlyn’s room saved me. We both stood up to greet her.
“Prince Mason, Ashlyn is all ready for you.” She bowed.
“Prince?” lan looked stunned, but I pushed past them to enter the room. Ashlyn was sitting up in bed.
There wasn’t anything hooked up to her, and it looked like she had showered. Her hair was still we*t, and she was braiding it. She looked past me to the Alpha behind me.
“lan?” she said in disbelief. He hit my shoulder as he walked by me. He sat on the bed with her and wrapped her in a hug.
“Baby, I was so worried. What happened?” He asked, sounding worried about her. She looked around him at me, she mouthed “l’m sorry”. lan pulled away from her and I crossed my arms over my chest. Thor was growing more agitated with every passing second.
“How do you know the Prince?” He asked her more demanding.
“lan, Mason andl are friends. I knew him as a child. And I’m fine. What are you doing here?” She asked him.
“Your aunt called me. Her and Brad should be here soon.” He told her. She looked at me, apologetically.
“Mason, could we have a few minutes, please?” She asked me. I nodded and left the room. My stomach was in knots as I sat outside the room. I prayed to the goddess that she could feel the bond with me.
It shocked me to see lan was here. Why would my aunt tell him about me being in the hospital? I could tell that Mason was angry and hurt about the affection that lan was showing me. I had to ask him to leave because the look in his eyes was breaking my heart. After Mason left the room, lan tried to k!ss my l!ps, but I turned my head. He k!ssed my cheek and sighed.
“Ashlyn, ‘m sorry. Can you just come home, please?” he pleaded. He rested his forehead against mine. I didn’t feel sparks and his scent didn’t excite me. I knew I had to tell him the truth, but it was like lighting a firework and hoping it doesn’t explode.
“lan, we need to talk.” I mumbled. He got up and started pacing.
“Does this have anything to do with that prince?” He growled.
“Can you please come sit?” I patted the bed in front of me after I crossed my legs. He hesitated, but he finally came over to me. He was clenching his fists.
“Our mate bond resulted from a love potion.” I told him, ripping the band-aid off. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.
“Ashlyn, what are you talking about?” He asked me and I grabbed his hands in mine.
“Do you feel that?” I questioned.
“Feel what?” He asked before his eyes went wide. He knew what I was asking.
“But how?” He stuttered. I was struggling to tell him.
I didn’t want to hurt lan. I still care about him.
“I broke the fake bond. That’s why I’m in the hospital. It almost killed me.” I said, slowly, so that he wouldn’t lose his sh!t.
“How did you know it was fake?” He asked.
“Tundra told me.” I answered, and he nodded. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I think he was trying to process everything I was saying to him.
“So we aren’t mates?” He whispered.
“I’m so sorry, lan.” I told him with tears in my eyes, trying to hold my sobs back.
“I really wanted us to be mates,” I cried. He wrapped me in his arms and pulled me into his chest.
“Me too,” lan whispered. He k!ssed my forehead. He apologized to me about everything, all the cheating and everything he had done that hurt me. It’s hard to let go of a dream you were hoping would come true. After my tears stopped flowing, lan pulled away from me.
“So what does this mean?” He asked.
“lt means we are friends and you can call me whenever you need me.” I told him with a smile. We weren’t good for each other in a romantic relationship, but we were great friends.
“And the prince?” He asked with a few different emotions; hurt, jealousy, and anger.
“He’s a friend from my old pack.” I told him and he nodded.
“Well, I should get going. I’m really glad that you’re okay.” He told me while standing up from the bed.
“Wait, you’re leaving?” l asked him, confused. I reached out to him.
“Yeah, I came to make sure you were okay.” He said.
“You drove 7 hours in the middle of the night to make sure I was okay?” I asked him, surprised.
“I needed to see you, Ashlyn. I love you.” He said, bending down, k!ssing my forehead.
“I love you too, lan.”I breathed out, on the verge of tears again.
“I know. It’s probably the only reason you have put up with me for the last two years.” He laughed, and I giggled. He was taking this a lot better than I expected.
“Text me when you’re home” I called after him. He was almost at the door to leave when it’s thrown open and my Aunt Grace stormed in. She greeted the Alpha, and I waved to him before he left. She stormed over to my bed with Uncle Brad on her heels.
“What do you have to say for yourself?” She huffed at me while crossing her arms over her chest. Uncle Brad came over to give me a hug, and she glared at him. I noticed that Mason, Brandon and Liam had walked in behind them. I motioned them closer and changed the subject.
“Aunt Grace, have you met Prince Mason? His Beta, Brandon, and his Gamma, Liam?” I said all sweetly with a smile.
“We met in the hallway. And don’t you think you can just change the subject, Missy?” She said, pointing her finger at me while poor Brad was trying to calm her down.
“Why are you so upset?” I asked her. And she threw her hands up.
“Upset? I’m furious! A club, Ashlyn. Really?” She huffed.
“What on earth are you talking about?” l asked her, annoyed. She could be crazy, but this was too much, even for her.
“First, you went after Alpha lan and there are rumors about you sleeping with the Alpha. Now the prince? And you’re going to clubs and drinking. Oh, and then we received a call about you being in the hospital! What next, Ashlyn?” She yelled at me. And my uncle was holding her back. She’s pissed, and I didn’t understand.
Yes, I was in the hospital, but shouldn’t she be worried and not angry? But now I was getting angry.
“So l almost die and you’re here to lecture me about rumors that I have no control over. I never slept with lan’s father or lan. Not that it’s anyone’s fvcken business. And I’m 18.I can do whatever the fvck I want!” I yelled back. We stared at each other for a few moments.
“You should be more responsible, Ashlyn.” My Aunt finally spoke, calming down. And I rolled my eyes.
“Me being in the hospital has nothing to do with me being responsible and if you would have taken a few moments to just ask me instead of insinuating that I’m such a fvcken w***e, and l’m just trying to sleep my way to the top. Maybe I would explain what actually happened.” I growled.
“Fine, tell me?” She asked.
“It doesn’t matter, anyway. You have already decided about me. You’re my aunt, the only family I have left, and it took you 5 days for your opinion of me to change. Just leave.” I told her.
“l drove 7 hours to be here for you.” She growled.
“I didn’t ask you to. And I don’t want you here.” I said.
“Fine!” she yelled and stormed out.
“Ashlyn…” Brad tried to explain. But I just held up my hand while pinched the bridge of my nose with my other hand. I was trying to stop the tears. He came over to give me a quick hug and left.
A nurse came in to give me some clothes so I could get ready to go home. The doctor will be in shortly to discharge me. I thanked the nurse and went into the bathroom to change. I noticed my body was more stiff than sore.
I couldn’t wait to go home. I needed to be by myself.
All of this was too much. lan handled things way better than my aunt did. And I don’t even know what set my aunt off. She just came in yelling, not giving me a chance to explain.
I took the hospital gown off and put on the hoodie, sweatpants, and socks on. I had to roll the waist of the sweatpants because they were too big. Even the hoodie was too big, but at least it was comfy. I walked out into my room to find the doctor was waiting for me.
He checked me over and the guys took me home. I was thankful that they said nothing. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. When we arrived home, I went straight to my room to lie down. It was early afternoon, but I was just mentally exhausted. I curled up in bed and cried myself to sleep.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?