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“Anything, Baby. Have a little nap. I’ll be back soon.” He said before he left the tent.
James was on my chest while I lay in the middle of the bed. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I started listening to James’ steady heartbeat. I was asleep in no time.
I woke up to find Ian sitting beside me on the bed. Before I looked at James, I gave him a smile. James, still sleeping, snuggled into my chest.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Ian whispered.
“I wanted to see you before you left,” I told him. He leaned down beside me, resting his hand on James’ back.
“Is it pathetic that I wish he was ours?” He whispered. I could hear the longing in his voice.
“Not at all. Not that long ago, I dreamed this was us.” I told him.
“I’m sorry I fucked everything up.” He said, resting his head on my shoulder and I rested my head against his.
“It was my actual father that put the mate spell on us.” I told him.
“What?” He sat up suddenly, turning to look at me.
“Yeah, the former warlock king. He confessed he wanted me to live a normal life. That’s why he put the spell on us.” I told him.
“I won’t lie. I didn’t expect that.” He breathed out.
“I know. And I know this can’t be easy for you. I honestly didn’t expect to have a baby so soon.” I told him.
“He’s beautiful. And he has your cheeks. Those chubby cheeks I fell in love with.” He whispered, leaning in and kissing my cheek.
“When did our lives become so complicated?” He breathed out.
“I don’t know. But hopefully it will calm down. I need a break.” I told him.
“We need to leave. Are you still planning on coming to Blue Moon?” He asked me.
“As long as the doctor clears James and I, we will be there. I need to go shopping, but we should be there tomorrow afternoon.” I told him and he nodded.
He leaned down, kissing James’ cheek before he leaned in to kiss mine. I grabbed his hand. The white light consumed him and faded before he let out a gasp.
“What was that?” He breathed out.
“I just want you to be at peace. I know this is hard and I would be lying if I told you it wouldn’t be hard for me if the situation was reversed. I just want you to be happy.” Looking into his eyes, I told him.
“Thank you Ashlyn. You don’t owe me anything. What I did was awful, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.” He whispered, looking at me.
“I know, and when you are ready. I can gift you a mate bond.” I told him.
“Like how a wolf and a witch are together?” He asked me, and I nodded.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, standing up from the bed.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said before he left.
He left me lying in bed snuggled up to James, thinking about how my life has changed in the last few months. It hasn’t been six months. I have two mates and we have a son. Then with all the other crap that has happened. And this rollercoaster ride hasn’t even ended yet. James pulled me from my thoughts when he stirred. I knew he was getting hungry, my breasts automatically knew.
I had him all ready to go and was feeding him by the time Derek walked back into the tent. He sniffed that air and frowned.
“Why do I smell Ian?” He asked, annoyed.
“He came to say goodbye before he left,” I answered. He sat down beside me and sniffed me. I just rolled my eyes.
“Then why is his scent on James?” He asked.
“Ian kissed his cheek. Why are you being weird?” I asked him. While he was staring at me, I switched breasts. I was glad when Mason entered the tent. He was watching us.
“Ian came by?” He asked and I nodded. Derek let out a growl.
“Derek, what’s wrong?” Mason asked him, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I really don’t like how close he is to her. I heard he called her babe earlier and now he is kissing James. He needs to learn that you are our mate and not his.” He ranted.
“Did he call you babe, Ashlyn?” Mason turned his attention to me, and I pushed my lips into a line.
“He did. But before both of you jump down my throat, can I explain?” I asked them.
“Okay, explain,” Derek said, and I looked at his frowning face.
“We were talking about who James looks like. Ian said that James has my cheeks. I think it just slipped out. Both of you remember it hasn’t even been six months yet. He is still trying to get used to the fact that his best friend is with two others and has a child with someone else. Both of you have nothing to worry about. Have you ever felt that I was cheating, or that I was lying about anything that was about Ian?” I asked them.
“Derek, she has a point. It’s a big change.” Mason defended me.
“Then why is it okay for her to smell like other men, but we can’t smell like other women?” Derek growled out. He moved off the bed and started pacing the tent.
“Hang out with all the women you want, just not ones that you have fucked.” I huffed. Derek said nothing. James was back sleeping, so I moved him to my chest.
“I’m going home.” I told them, standing up, I walked out of the tent. Not caring that my stuff was still in there. Everything I had here could be replaced. I just needed to get away. I had to get James checked out, and I still had to go out and buy things for him and get a room ready for him. I didn’t have time for this. Ian had never just shown up in my room naked. Yes, he had kissed me, but he didn’t know about Mason.
I want to believe that it’s just the stress of us being away from home and the lack of sleep. But now I was feeling annoyed. I ran into Sage and Brandon when I was storming away.
“Ashlyn, what’s wrong?” Sage asked me, worried. She kissed James’ cheek.
“Its just been a day. Can you portal my mates home when they are ready?” I asked her.
“Of course, but why aren’t they leaving with you?” she asked.
“I just need a break,” I told her. I turned away from both of them and opened a portal into our living room. The portal closed behind us as I walked through.
Our apartment felt empty, but I pushed the feeling aside and walked into our room. I laid James in the middle of our bed, making sure he was safe. Before I went to have a shower. I needed to clear my head and just try to relax. When I finally felt like I could breathe again, I hopped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I brushed out my hair before I entered the bedroom again. Mason and Derek were both lying beside a still sleeping James on the bed.
“You left?” Mason said, while I walked across the room to the closet.
“I told you both that I was going home. Not like you didn’t know where I was going,” I answered. I was finding clothes to wear when Derek entered the closet. He leaned against the frame of the door.
“You shouldn’t have left without one of us.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Fine.” I answered, pulling my leggings on.
“Babygirl, I’m sorry. I just don’t like how close he is to you,” he sighed.
“Derek, he is my friend. And you should trust me. It’s not like he showed up at the tent naked. He was saying goodbye to a friend.” I told him, pulling on a sweater. I moved past him to go check on James.
“Mason, were you able to get James in to see the doctor today? I would have called, but I didn’t know who to talk to in this pack.” I asked Mason as I walked back over to bed. Mason was still lying beside James.
“I’ll get on that. We brought your bag back.” He said, pointing to my bag on the floor. I was happy, I forgot that my phone and wallet were in it. How was I supposed to buy things for James without my wallet? I dug around for my phone and wallet, pulling them out of my bag. I put my dead phone on a charger by the bed and put my wallet on the dresser near the door.
“Did both of you come up with a plan about what to do with King Theo?” I asked them.
“Sage is going to help track down his mate.” Mason told me.
“I’ll have to thank her,” I said.
“The doctor will see us in about 20 minutes,” Mason told me. Mason and Derek got ready, as I was lying with James until they were done. It was weird for us to all be back at the apartment. It feels like we haven’t been here in months, when it’s only been a few days.
When they were ready, I picked James up, and we made our way to the pack hospital across the street. After a nurse showed us into a room, the doctor came in to look at James. He was in perfect health. There was a bunch of paperwork to fill out since he was technically a home birth. When I was done with all the paperwork, Mason and Derek stepped out of the room so the doctor could check me out. He also told me he had spoken with the other doctor about birth control options for witches, and we came up with a plan.
She had portaled over a few options, but couldn’t be here herself. I got an implant inserted. Since then, I won’t have to worry about taking a pill. He had to check on me, anyway. It was uncomfortable, but worth it. When he was all done, he gave me the all clear to travel, but he’d like to see both me and James in the next six weeks.
I exited the room to find my guys waiting for me. Mason was holding James, who was now awake and alert. He was looking up at his daddy with his big sea-green eyes.
“Everything okay, Babygirl?” Derek asked me, and I nodded.
“We should really go shopping to get James things that he needs. I need to head to Blue Moon tomorrow.” I told them.
“Baby, why don’t I go shopping and get him a few things and you take James home with Derek. I think that you both need to have some time together,” Mason said.
“Are you sure?” I asked him.
“I can feel your stress through the bond. Both of you need some time together, and I’ll be quick,” he answered me.
“Okay. Can you get me a carrier for him?” I asked him. He passed me James and pecked my lips.
“I’ll find one for you, Baby.”
We walked back to the pack house. Mason left us and headed to the garage to go shopping. Derek and I made our way up to our apartment. We really needed a bigger home. I’ll have to have that conversation with Mason and Derek about where we should live. Both will be inheriting kingdoms, and will turn into very busy men.
Derek and I stepped out of the elevator into our living room. I sat down on the floor with my back against the couch. I laid James between my legs. He was looking around the room. Derek sat the diaper bag down by my feet and headed into the kitchen. He came back over to me and passed me some water.
“Thank you.” I told him. He sat down beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Resting my head on his shoulder. We were both watching James, watching the world around him.
“Babygirl, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Theo and I,” Derek said.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?