Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
1 agreed te You didn’t have to.” He let’s out a sigh. “I said what I said because it’s true. I don’t want another man’s fingers touching your body” He runs his fingers through my hair, brushing it back from my face. Trailing a rough finger down over my cheek, he leans in, pressing his lips to my cheekbone.
It was strange because it felt familiar, like he had done it a million times before.
She had gone back to her protective state. Barely talking and when she did, it was either ‘yes’, ‘no’ or that phrase that I hate, ‘I’m fine’. Sne had completely shut down and I can’t even figure out what it was that I had said. I had only told her the truth. Was the truth too much for her? In my office, Raven stares at me. “Are you sure you didn’t do anything?” she demands. “She was chatting toand now, nothing.” “I just spoke the truth. I reminded her that she wanted the deal, that she cto me. I told her that I didn’t want anyone else touching her.” “Why did you even make the deal if she is already your mate?” “She doesn’t know.” “You are an idiot!” She snaps as she drops down in the chair. “I don’t even know what you could possibly be thinking. Out of all the brides you have had, why do you have to try and push away the one that I actually like? Scratch that, the one who is actually your mate?” “Raven!” I agree with her!’ Aero spits “I’m not trying to push her away.” I snap “Well you are doing a damn good job!” You don’t know why she is upset either!’ I remind her, “And you need to watch your tongue.” ‘I’m talking to you as my brother, not my Alpha!” Raven scowls. “I bet even Aero agrees withthat you are an idiot!” I give her a warning glare to tone it down “She isn’t like us.” Raven tells me. “She wasn’t raised like us. And you seem to be missing the point.’ “And what’s that?” “She wants ta be wanted. She’s not upset. she’s scared.” ‘I would be able to scent it if sne was that scared.” “What if she is in a permanent state of fear? Since before you first met her. What if that is contributing to her strange scent?” “Thank you for your input, Raven. I will figure it out.” She rolls her eyes atand leaves the office.
‘Just claim her.’ Aero mumbles. ‘She is our mate, just claim her. Let her know that you have only agreed to this deal because you already know she is our mate.’ Ignoring him, I head upstairs to check on Neah. She had spent so long, pretending to be asleep last night, that I still expected her to be curled up in bed now. Instead, I hear the shower running.
Pushing the door open, I keep my eyes off the shower, hoping it would make herfeel a little better. “Neah,-> I’m going-to be out of the house alot today. You are more than welcto stay put or go over to the > hospital ané hang out with Raven.” ‘ O She doesn’t answer and when I look up, I see thatshe isn’t in the shower. But sat on the floor behind the bath: Her baretknees pulled up to her <> chest a8’she rested her head onTM therasHe eyes are closed, her li ips parted a little. She was asleep and ths time, she wasn’t faking it.
She hadn’t even fully stripped before deciding that taking a nap behind the bath was a good idea.
Quietly turning the shower off, I squeeze in behind the bath and lift her off the fldor. Her head rolls back.
over my arm, exposing her neck. ts was sotem pted to mark her and. claimsfer but I just about manage to push the thought aside as Lput her isthe bed. It wouldn’t be fair to do that to her while she was asleep. Moving away, Neah suddenly grabs my hand. “Stay.” She sleepily whispers, tuggingtowards her.
Kicking off my shoes, I slide into the bed behind her. Pulling her back flush against my chest. Trying to ignore how her naked ass was pressed against my cock. After a few moments, she shuffles away. Rolling on my back, I sigh, grateful that I had smorals.
Leaving her to sleep, I head outside to find Eric kicking a ball around with as soon as hi his sons but as he sees my face, he tells them to go to their grandparents. X
“Have you told her?” He asks quietly as his boys run across the grounds, racing each other.
“No.” I take it she still isn’t talking to you, then?” “No.” He nods. “Remind me, why haven’t you told her? That dickhead is dead. She has no tie to anyone, she’s yours to claim.” “It’s complicated.” I mutter “I get that, but…” He pauses. “You wouldn’t be able to hide it if she hadn’t been bound. Or is it because of this apparent Lycan thing? Because Wolves have done alot worse and shacked up with humans’ “About that,” I mutter, getting the subject off of Neah. “Has Devon said anymore?” Eric shakes his head. “I told you, he won’t speak to me. I don’t know why.
“I literally can’t find anything on them. I spent hours searching every database. How can something like that exist and there be no record of it?” “I take it that it has something to do with Moonshine hiding. And the rules that Neah spoke of.
“I need to speak to him.” I mutter Eric comes withto the dungeon, hitting the bars to wake up the guy who called himself Devon.
“You said you were removed.
“Good morning to you too.” He yawns sleepily, scratching through his dark hair. There was no denying that there was a strong resemblance to Neah “Yes, I told you, I was placed in adoption.” “Then how did you find the pack? If you were three, there is no way you would be able to remember where to find them. You wouldn’t have known where the pack was.
“It’s a Lycan thing.” “You are saying you can find them?” Eric asks. “Even though you were kicked out the pack. “Yes.” “How?” “We are…..connected. The sway I know my sister is here. You lot have the ability to link one another, right? “How did you find them?” He shrugs his shoulders. “I can’t explain it. It’s like if there were other Lycan packs out there, they would be able to find Moonshine too.” “Are there other packs?” “No. Why do you think Trey is so keen on keeping the pack hidden? Our kind axe e dwindling. The ones = you saw’at Moonshine are the last of theinkind. My sister is the last. Alpha.’ His blue eyes pause on mine. ‘You still haven’t told her.” “It’s none of your business.” “She’s my sister.” He argues “You don’t even know her.
“Do you?” He mutters sarcastically. “You are in love with her and yet you won’t admit it. “Shut up!” I growl He makes sense’. Aero tellsand I see Eric cocking an eyebrow at me.
Devon holds his hands up, “I’m just. saying, how do you think she wilkféel about you keeping this from her? A secret ‘that has been kept fram her, her whole life?” – “You know you are lucky to be alive.” “I know. But so is Neah. Have you not stopped to wonder why Trey was keeping her alive?” “Why?”
“Now that is something I don’t know. I’ve beenstying to figure it out for” years. Binding her abilities doesn’t O even make sense. If he had brought her ap differently. She would-be just likesthem. “”You said he didn’t believe in a female Alpha.”
“I did, but then why keep her alive? You have to admit Alpha Danem something doesn’t quite add up. “And you could be making all this up to keep yourself alive.” “I could, but even you can see that what I’m saying makes sense.” Do you believe him?’ I ask Aero.
I don’t know.’ He replies. ‘He has no reason to lie and yet at the stime, he has every reason.’
If I kill him and Neah finds out…. She will never want to be withIf he’s a liar and is plotting an attack with Trey. Then I would be stupid to ignore it.” There was only one thing for it, to tell Neah the truth, but would she be able to handle it?
Sitting up in bed, I look around the room in confusion. I was certain that I had been on my way to the shower.
It takesa second to realise that I only had my sweatshirt on and nothing on my legs. Looking around the room, I spot my joggers and underwear on the chair. I felt sick, had Alpha Dane done something to me.
My eyes flash around the room, checking to see if I was alone. “You are overthinking it, Neah.” I mutter to myself as I race across the room to grab fresh underwear and jeans from the closet There was no blood on the bed sheets and everything felt normal. Alpha Dane did say he would never do that, but what if I had involuntarily given him consent because I was daydreaming again? Quickly dressing. I slip out of the room, only to meet Alpha Dane on the stairs. His brow is wrinkled into a deep frown “I was just coming to see if you were awake. We need to talk.” A lump in my throat forms. What was he going to say? Did he want to end the contract already? Or was he going to remindagain that I insisted on it? “Do you mind coming to the office? There’s a lot to discuss. “Okay.” “Neah, I need you to talk toproperly. This is important! I know that you are upset or maybe even angry with me. Butif it’s just going to be a one sided conversation, I am not gaing to be able to help you understand.” I scowl, what would there be to understand? I just nod. Alpha Dane rolls his eyes, and stands back against the railings to letpass. He follows a few steps behind, keeping a little distance between us. In the office he asksto sit as he closes the door and slides the lock across. My heart starts to race, I had never seen him lock the door before.
I couldn’t see what he was doing as he stayed behindfor a few seconds, eventually moving around the desk to his chair. The deep frown still sits heavily on his brow.
“Neah, we have a man in the dungeon who is claiming to be your brother?” “Trey?” I ask, confused.
“No. He claims to be your younger brother. He calls himself Devon.” “I….I don’t… There was only Trey.
“I know you believe that.” Believe? That was my only brother. He had met him, he should know.
“But what the prisoner is saying is that Trey isn’t your brother, he is biologically your uncle and I have to admit, the family resemblance between our prisoner and you is unmistakable whereas you and Trey don’t even share the sfeatures.” I look all around the room, at everything but him. I had called Trey brother right up until I was forced to call him Alpha. And there had never been another.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?