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I woke up in the middle of the bed, alone. What time was it and where did he go? I sat up slowly, hissing with every movement I made. Ugh. I wish my body would just heal already. I reached for a bottle of water on the nightstand and took a drink.
The bottle was empty before I realized how thirsty I was. I stood up from the edge of the bed, breathing through the pain.
I wobbled over to the first door that was the closest to me. It was a closet. I grabbed a shirt to cover up my body. They bandaged me up and you couldn’t see my breasts, but I still didn’t feel comfortable walking around without wearing something. The shirt was pretty big on me and it smelled like Derek. Hopefully, he was okay with me stealing his clothes.
The next door was a bathroom, which I was thankful for. I really needed to pee. I did my business as quickly as I could and I was out of breath just from the amount of work it was to pee.
You really don’t realize how many muscles you use for something so simple until every muscle in your body hurts.
Now that I was out of the bathroom and breathing like I had just run a marathon, I finally made it to the last door. I opened it to find that it led to a hallway. I could hear people talking, so I headed in that direction. And of course, it led me to stairs.
The whole way down, I was swearing and hissing. I must have broken some of my ribs and by the time I got down the stairs, I had ten dragons watching me. I was trying to slow my breathing, so I didn’t look too pathetic, but I knew I looked terrible.
“Ashlyn, you’re up? Coffee?” Derek asked while coming over to help me.
“I stole a shirt. I hope you don’t mind,” I confessed. And he chuckled.
“I was going to bring you some clothes when I came up to wake you. We should start traveling soon.” He told me while he helped me sit at a table.
One of the other dragons handed me a coffee, and honestly, I was in heaven. They could take me out back and end me and I would be so happy with this coffee being my last drink. I didn’t realize I closed my eyes and let out a little moan until I heard some snickering. I opened my eyes to all of them staring at me, clearing my throat.
“Sorry, it’s been a while, and this is fantastic.” I shrugged.
“I’m glad you like it. We should probably feed you before we head out” Derek said.
“Could I shower before we leave, or at least try to get clean?” I asked.
“Yeah, of course, but you at least need to eat something beforehand, and that will give the water time to warm up.” Derek told me while passing me a muffin. And I moaned again after taking a bite.
“How long has it been since you ate anything?”
Derek asked me.
“Honestly, I do not know. I was in the dark the whole time, so I don’t know how many days actually went by.” I told him between mouthfuls of blueberry muffin.
“When did you get taken?” Derek asked.
“Early December, why? What day is it now?” I asked.
“It’s almost January now.” He answered, and I was stunned. How could | have lasted that Iong? I had maybe a bottle of water every few days and some bread even less often. Derek, placing his hand on mine, pulled me from my thoughts. I could feel some tears falling down my cheeks and I was quick to wipe them away. I noticed it was just Derek and me sitting at the table now.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m so emotional.”
He was still holding my hand when I told him.
“You don’t need to apologize or feel embarrassed. You went through something traumatic and it will take some time for you to process everything that happened.” He whispered, while I tried to hold back my tears.
“Come, I promise I’ll get you more muffins after we get you cleaned up.” Derek stood up from the table and I followed him to the stairs. When we got there, I groaned at the stairs. I wasn’t looking forward to climbing them, but to my surprise, Derek picked me up bridal style and l squealed.
“Derek, what are you doing? l can walk.” I gasped.
“We don’t have all day for you to walk up the stairs.” He chuckled. I let out a breathy laugh since his arm was digging into my back and the pressure was causing me pain. He placed me down when we got to the top of the stairs.
“You okay?” He asked. I was out of breath but trying to breathe through the pain. He helped me back to his room after I nodded. I was feeling kind a nervous about showering. I knew I needed his help, but now I would be naked in front of him.
We walked into his bathroom, and he started the shower. I was nervously playing with my l!ps, trying to come up with the best way to ask this stranger to help me wash.
“Um, Derek?” I whispered. This is awkward.
“Ashlyn?” He asked.
“I know this is weird, but could you help me, please?” I asked him. He nodded and helped me undress. When all the clothes were off, he removed the bandage around my torso. I was staring at myself in the mirror above the sink. My face was still purple, and a bit swollen. My neck had finger bruises from being choked. And my collarbones and shoulders had deep bite marks, and it was one enormous bruise with different shades of purple. My hair was a rat’s nest and I don’t think I’ve ever felt so unattractive in my entire life. Also, I’m pretty useless, can’t even shower by myself.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Derek pulled me from my thoughts. I could see him behind me in the mirror. I had tears in my eyes again.
“Let’s get you in the shower.” He whispered in my ear, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my body. Derek checked the water temperature and then helped me step into the shower. The warm water felt amazing on my achy muscles until it hit my back and I screamed out. I turned my body so my back was away from the water.
“Lean your head forward and I’ll wash your hair away from your back.” Derek told me. And I did what he instructed. He was standing outside the shower and I’m sure everything was getting wet, including him.
The shower took a lot of energy. I don’t think it’s just because I’m in rough shape, but from the lack of food. I’ve had to use all my energy just to stay alive, and doing anything extra is exhausting.
“Your wounds are looking better today. Even some stitches have fallen out” he said. I had to move to my hands and knees as standing was taking too much out of me.
“I’m sorry Derek.” I told him, sobbing. Unable to hold back my emotions any longer. Everything was just too much for me to deal with.
“Hey, everything will be okay.” He said, rubbing my arm, since that was the only thing not covered in open wounds. I was seeing all the blood that covered my body change the water to pink and brown. My hair and body were now clean, and the water was cooling, but I didn’t want to move. Derekshut the water off and gently placed a towel over my back. He then kneeled in front of me again. It hurt so badly to cry, but I couldn’t stop.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He whispered to me. And l just thought for a moment. There was no harm in telling him about some of my worries. I sat back on my heals and wrapped the towel around my torso. I was looking at Derek, now soaked, but he was looking at me with so much concern it actually hurt me to see him looking so worried.
“Before they took me, I was heading to the airport. I was leaving, and I wasn’t sure where I was going. My ex-mate cheated on me, then I rejected him and then it turned out it was a fake bond from a love potion. And then the mate that was real rejected me because he felt my ex-mate k!ssing me. He didn’t even give me a chance to explain what happened. I didn’t k!ss him, he k!ssed me.” I took a few breaths because even remembering Mason walking away from me was worse than any physical pain I’d ever endured.
There was a bang on the door, and I jumped.
“Boss, we should probably get going.” One of his men yelled through the door.
“We’ll be down in 10,” Derek called back. He stood up and helped me to stand up. What he did next surprised me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me into his now wet chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and enjoyed his scent of crisp morning air on a chilly day.
“If your mate rejects you, he’s a bigger dumba*ss than the fake one that cheated on you.”
He whispered into my ear and I couldn’t help but sob, giggle.
“Now, let’s get you dressed and grab some muffins for the drive. Okay?” He asked, and I nodded into his chest. I didn’t want to leave his arms or Derek. I was walking into the unknown, and I wasn’t sure I’d be strong enough to face them.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?