Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
When I wake, I’m alone. My body ached. My vagina throbbed. The sex had been amazing. And now, I was thankful that my intense urges and desires had calmed. I could finally think clearly. But now I was paying the price.
Tiptoeing across the room, I wince at the pain between my thighs. Turning on the water for the bath, I don’t even wait for it to be full when I step in. Easing my aching body into the hot water.
The door opens and I catch Alpha Danes’ woody scent before he steps into the room. His crimson eyes move to the bed before searching the room for me.
“Sore?” He smirks, making his way over to me.
I ned and sink further down into the water, until itis lapping at my chin “It won’t always be like this.” He smiles atas he leans over the bath, kissing my forehead.
He moves away and sits in the big chair by the window. “You don’t remember much from your childhood, do you? I shook my head, knowing that he had turned the chair around and was watching me.
“Has Devon…. Has he said something?” I ask quietly “No.” He mutters, but he sounded different, as though his thoughts were elsewhere. “I haven’t seen him.” “Did I do it wrong?” He was the only guy I had ever been with. I couldn’t be certain that I had done my part properly He laughs and shakes his head. “No, you were perfect.
I soak in silence, waiting for him to tellwhat’s on his mind. But he doesn’t. He just quietly watches me, the sway he did back in Trey’s office. A look of curiosity.
When I get out of the bath and start drying myself. he crosses over to the closet, fishingout sclothes to wear. Something that I was slowly getting used to.
“Are we going somewhere?” I ask as he gets out a pair of trainers for me. I was hoping just to stay here and relax. “We need to speak to your brother. I have squestions and I would prefer it if you were there to hear his answers.” He said he hadn’t spoken to him. What had happened while I was asleep? Traipsing ifthe snow to the dungeans’madefeel a little = uneasy, Something had definitely happened and I wasn’t sure ft even wanted to know. 7 Alpha Dane pulls the door open, stepping into the darkness first. He flicks the lights on as he makes his way down the steps.
“Devon?” Alpha Dane calls out. “Are you awake? “You’ve broughta guest, how can I not be gwake for my sister.” He mutters witta yawnaslstepin. front of Wis’cell. He looked well, x someone had given him a small-bed tosl lee on, swater and ae change of clothes. He had been given more than what I had when Trey and Kyle were punishing me.
“You look comfortable.” Alpha Dane speaks quietly
“Your gorgeous. Beta was kind enough to banga few things. He thought itymight makemore > conversational with him. He seemed a littleannoyed that I would only” speak to you.” He grins. “Te me, is he-Seeing anyone?” 4 “He isn’t into men and I’m pretty sure he has made that quite clear.” Alpha Danes tone is low
“Such a pity. Anyway, how can I help you?” He pushes himself to his feet, stretching out his limbs: “Witches.” Alpha Dane mutters, “Witches? Any witch in particular? Not that I’ve met any.”
“You said you had inside information. Was there talk of Witches visiting. particularly surrounding Neah. My head snaps in Alpha Dane’s direction, but he was solely focussed on Devon.
“I don’t know their names, but I assit was Witches or a Witch that bound her. No one else has that kind of power.” “That is why I am asking you.” Devon shakes his head. “I don’t know what you wantto say, Alpha Dane. But there was no talk of a Witch or Witches. Trey worked hard to keep that pack concealed from other kinds. He wouldn’t let just anyone in.” “What do you mean by that?” Aloha Dane demands “Whoever bound her when she was a child would be the sone who bound her as an adult.” “Do…do you know whe he is talking about?” I ask Alpha Dane quietly. Maybe it was why he was so off with me. “Not yet.” Alpha Dane mutters, He turns to the stairs, holding his hand out. “Come, it’s tfor your lesson with Klaus “Lesson? Ooh, what are you practising, fighting?” Devon asks as his hands curl around the bars. “Is this Klaus a handsman too. It gets a bit boring seeing the sfaces down here.” “Reading lesson.” I mutter, not really thinking about it.
“It’s about tsomeone taught you to read and write.” “What….what did you say?” I had kept it a secret for so long. Raven figured it out. I blurted it out to Alpha Dane, but I had never told anyone else. Devon doesn’t say anything. retreating back against the wall.
“Answer her?” Alpha Dane growls “It’s nothing.” “How… how did you know that? “My person on the inside told me.
Alpha Dane knew I didn’t like talking about it. He knew there was no way on Earth I would easily tell another person. Even Trey thought I could read, when the truth was I just learned to figure out what things were without reading the label.
“Your story is starting to slip, Devon.” Alpha Dane paces back and forth in front of his cell. “I knew there was something off with you.” “Honestly, it’s what he told me.” “His name?” “He never gavea name.” He looks at me. “He was blonde, easily six foot. Almost black eyes. Always happy’ “You trusted someone in the pack who wouldn’t even give you their name.” “They didn’t want to be caught.
“Bull fucking shit!” Alpha Dane snaps. “I’ve heard slies, but this takes the fucking piss.” “He’s….telling….the truth.” I mutter, vaguely remembering someone that looked like Devon’s description “This guy wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him in the ass.” Alpha Dane snaps “a He didn’t cto the house much… dropped a list that Kyle had given ne.” It was like anoldmemory, cratchitag to gain entrance in thes back of my mind. Little pieces <<< ickered through “He made ajoke aboutnot reading it andthen rAd it out to me.” TM » Yo 2 = Alpha Dane is staring at me. “Are you sure?
“My memory I is bad… It’s like, most of the good stuff is gone from when I was little and I can only remember the worst parts.” My parents blood soaked faces instantly appear in fret of me. – “That’s what Trey wanted, Neah. If you remembered all the good things, you would have been a threat. He had to make you weak.” Devon mutters
“Again, you know a lot for someone who was never in the house.” Alpha Dane growl as he grabs my hand, tuggingback up the stairs and out into the cool air.
“I don’t likehim!” He states. “Just something about him rubsup the wreng way.” He grab’s shoulders, turningaround “Partial truths do not mean Ke is telling the whole truth.” ~ “You mean like you are not tellingwhy you are being so weird?”
It was rare, but now and again, snap little comments would cthrough taking us both by surprise. ‘I’m not being weird. There is just a lot going on at the moment.” ‘You are being an idiot again!’ Aero mumbles ‘What am I supposed to say? ‘Hey, by the way. you were actually bound more than twice because they were scared of you.’ Or maybe, “You don’t need to worry about shifting. you’ve already done it!’ Do you think she wants to hear that, Aero? She is petrified of shifting!’ Fine,’ He sulks, ‘Do it your way.’ “You…you still haven’t said anything.” Neah mutters. “Ils Aero….is he saying something to you, is he talking about me?” “Aero cares for you as much as I do. we just have different opinions when it comes to certain situations.” Her brow dips a little. “He wants you to…tell….something?” Her frown grows “Not here!” I mumble, looking around at my people moving around. Grabbing her hand, I tug her back toward the house, shutting us in my office.
Plonking herself down in a chair, she immediately pulls her legs up to her chest. It tooka while to realise it was her way of defending herself, trying to prevent Trey and his crew hitting her rips and stomach. Though now it was becoming a habit when she felt unprepared “It’s bad, isn’t it?” she whispers “Veronica is back and now you and Aero have decided….. “It’s nothing to do with Veronica.
‘I don’t….. I don’t understand.” “The last few days, we have spent a lot of tin the bedroom. During this time, there was a visitor.” “Trey?” she asks alarmed “No, a Witch.” “Oh, “The sWitch that bound your abilities.” It was like tearing off a band aid slowly. “When you were a newborn pup.” Her forehead wrinkles as her eyes widen. “No….when I was six.
I don’t give her the other information just yet and explain that this is the sWitch that I met with to discuss unbinding her. The sWitch that had bailed when I mentioned the nof Neah’s pack and now I knew why.
“She helped Trey?” “No, Neah.” I sigh, “She helped your father.
Her eyes drop from my gaze. Her hands grab the arm rests of her chair and her knuckles are momentarily whiter than white as she squeezes the wood. I feel her sudden rise in anger.
“My…my father?” “Yes.” “My….my father. He…he wantedbound?” she spits out the words.
Her anger quickly fades and her eyes becfilled with tears.
“I know this isn’t what you want to hear, Neah, but from what she told me. I don’t think it was just Trey and Cassandra that were responsible. I believe it goes back further than that.
She sits there, staring atwith her blue eyes. I felt so bad for her. I had never known a pack like it. Secrets that ran thicker than blood, but they were all centred around her.
‘W…why?” “They feared you.” She lets out a small nervous laugh. “Me?” I was just going to have to break the news.
“You were able to shift at birth, Neah. They hatl you bound and then when you were one, you started shifting again, like your Lycan sidec was fighting it. You, at the age of> one, knew why the Witch was.there. You purposely kept a Lygan i in the hopes that she wouldn’t be able to bind you. Nea¥ that’s unheard of.” It is for Wolves.’ Aero mutters Neah stares atas if I’m nuts. Pure disbelief that I was even suggesting that she had already shifted. Her mind just wouldn’t accept what I was. saying.
“You’re…you are wrong. I would know. I…..” “You wouldn’t remember. No pup would or could remember that.” “I….. That….. That can’t… You are wrong. “I’m only telling you what the Witch told me.” “You believe her.” adCure may be elusive at times, but she has always eventually toldthe truth. Even if itis like => drawing I blood froma stone. = Sometimes cash tends to make:her more forthcoming. However, this tine, she didn’t even want cash.” She’s not listening.’ Aero mutters.
I glance back at Neah who has her eyes closed and her nose wrinkled up as she frowns “Are you okay?” “I think I’ve heard that name.
“MadCurie?” I ask curiously Her jaw clenches as she nods her head.
“From someone here?” “No, it’s just….it’s something up here.” She taps her head. “Familiar.” “Like I said, they feared you Neah. That’s why the Witch was involved. They fear a female Alpha.” “?’m not.” “You are a rare female Alpha of a dying breed.”
She gets to héerfeet and moves around the desk to my window. “I’m not powerful, Alpha Dane. Kimjust-> men/myust the girl that was made a slave) I I’m not… I’m not anything powerful And I wish…. Please § stop saying it.” 4
I feel her sadness. She just wouldn’t believe that it was a possibility. “If they are dying, let them die out.” She ve Nachher mutters, as she continues to look out the window. “Let them die out?” Her comment takesby surprise, that I have to confirm what I just heard.
She slowly turns toand a tear is edging its way down over her cheek but she is so angry. They did horrible things to me. They don’t deserve to live.”

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?