Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
She was fighting hard to try and not think of something. Trying to keep her mind clear so I wouldn’t know what the problem is Pinning her to the bed, I drop my weight on top of her. “What’s wrong?” “You’re….crushing my…..lungs.” I ease my weight off of her just a little. But not enough that she can escape from under me.
“Are you still feeling a little tender?” She closes her eyes.
“And you are embarrassed?” I drive a leg between hers, forcing her thighs apart.
Her head shakes a tiny bit. “Uncomfortable.” she whispers Kissing the mark on her neck, I tell her I will let her be, just for tonight. Only then, does she relax. She drops off to sleep before I do, curled up into my side.
‘We need to stop Trey and Cassandra.’ Aero mumbles. ‘They almost caused a war in the neutral zone.” I know.’ ‘We both know there are others out there that are desperate to knock us down a peg or two.’ ‘I know.’ I mutter again, running my fingers through my mates dark hair. You know Row angry I’ve been, > Aero. I wish we had been there ons that shehad never gone. But I can’t change what has happened. ‘ean only make sure something Ike that river happens again.’ Coritent belongs to Looking down at Neah, her eyelashes fluttered on her cheeks as she slept peacefully. Seemingly unaware of the anger that was growing inside of me.
I need to run.’ I mumble to Aero, slipping myself out from Neah’s grasp. I think we should speak to Devon again.’ He tellsHe didn’t know that Neah was going into the city.’ No, maybe he can give us a better understanding of what they might be planning now. Or maybe he will at least be able to predict their plan.’ Pulling ona pair of shorts, I make my way throWgh the house and out into the fallity snow. Thecold beneath my bare feet offered srelief frem the constant warmth-of my body. Walking through the snow tothe dungeon, I see a guard: leaning against the door, Bored out of his mind. “Any problems?” I ask “No, keeps himself to himself.” The guard mumbles, stepping aside to letthrough the door.
The guard clases the door behindas soon as I turn on the lights.
“Really, it ‘s-the middle of the night?” Devon mutters. He apologises when he sees me. “lim nox the greatest whent-aven’t had sleep. What can I do for you Alpha Dane?” He stretches out his limbs and_yawns. “Neah.” I mutter “You are going to need to givea little bit more information than that.” He rubs his eyes. “You keep talking about Neah, being this Alpha.” “She is.
“Right. What is she capable of?”
“No one knows for certain. I’ve tried researching, but the most I camen in her across is how someone in camen position will be of great power. They just need to know how to tap into it.
“Are you talking magic? Like a Witch.” “Honestly Alpha Dane. I don’t know. I just know that she will be able to get us back to our rightful status in the world. “And that’s why they fear her?” Ashburn >
“At the moment, I don’t think it’s so much as they fear her. They fear what she might be able to do.” “Particularly Trey and Cassandra? “They are the only leaders left, what do you think! “What would Trey want to remind Neah of?” “What do you mean?” He rises to his feet and stands face to face with me. Only the bars keep us apart. “What does Neah need reminding of?” He cocks an eyebrow. “I don’t know what you are asking, Alpha Dane. Is she in skind of trouble again? You have to letout of here. You have to lethelp her.” “She is my mate.” “lam aware, but she is surrounded by Wolves. She needs someone who is her own kind. Someone who gets what its like to be us.” “We have been over this, it’s her call.” “She doesn’t know you are here, does she, Alpha Dane? All these late night visits and she is blissfully unaware as you lot try to figure out her past. “Late night visits? I’ve been down here a couple of times since you have been here.” “Your bestie comes down here a lot. I believe he is having relationship issues.” “Why is Eric talking to you about his mate?” “Sometimes a third opinion is better.” He shrugs his shoulders “Do you speak about Neah?” “Nope.
“What do you talk about?” “Like I said, his problems and in return forlistening. he bringsthings.” He gestures to his cell that now had a stash of fizzy drinks along with the bed, clothes and reading material. I would need to speak to Eric about this, not once had he mentioned it.
Devon’s fingers curl around the bars. “I swear to you, Alpha Dane, I am not here to hurt her. You know you can make the decision to letout. You don’t have to wait for my sister to decide.” I still don’t trust him.’ Aero mutters “Why would Trey and Cassandra go into the city?” I ask, ignoring Aero as well as Devon’s pleas to be let out.
“I’m not following.” “They’ve kept themselves to themselves. Hidden away from <> other packs. None of us knew of your I kinds existence and now,they are going to neutral territories. Why would they do that?” ‘I’m guessing for the sreason everyone else goes there. Looking for something or….someone. Neah had a run in with them, didn’t she?” “Eric got her out.” Devon grins at me, “The hero. I knew he was a good man.” “He’s not interested in men.” I tell him again ‘Everyone € an be swayed, Alpha Dane They just havetohave <> that….ufivertainty.” He winks at ime. ‘Anyway, for Trey and the whore to go into the city, there must be a big reason. A plan of skind.” “Could they find her?” “Not Cassandra, but possibly Trey.
“Because of the blood connection?”
sameas n He nods his head at me. “But they would have already had to have been nearby to know she was theres The saméasfinding Moonshine. I told you I could sense it, but itg@rew stronger the closer I got. It’s How I knew I was going in the right difection.” He places his hands on his hips and struts around the cell, muttering to himself. He comes to a stop and his blue eyes flash up to me. “Who knew she was going?”
“My sister, her tutor, and a couple of other females. And obviouslyand Eric.” “All Wolves, right you haven’t gpt any other Lycans hiding here?” “Apart from Neah. Is it possible she could have told him, by accident. like open up a link between them?”
“Unlikely. The only other option is that they were already there for m something else and Weah walked right into it. They won’t chere, purely because you have the numbers.” I stare at him, remembering how he had explained to us how Lycans had cto exist. He said it was a story and no one actually knows, but what if it was the truth? “Devon, can they create more?
Dane ‘What are we going to do?’ Aero demands I need to speak to my Beta.’ This is bad. We need to gain control over this, right now.’ My hand hammers against Eric’s door.
“Woah, woah, woah!” He snaps, pulling open the door, before he even has a chance to see me. “Are you trying to wake my kids?” He freezes when he realises its me. “What’s wrong? “Devon!” “Shit, he told you. Look I just needed someone to vent too. And I know you’ve had….” “That’s not the issue. Whatever weird thing you have going on with him, is up to you, I’m not worried about that. They can create more.” He rubs the sleep from his eyes. “What?” “They can create more Lycans.” “Well, it would make sense, the sas us creating more Wolves.” “Eric.” He was missing what I was saying “Shit.” He mutters, finally understanding. “Are you serious? I mean, the information has cfrom Devon.
“He said it was like an unspoken rule that they were not allowed to do it. Trey would have likely kept it in place purely to keep the pack a secret. If the pack were any bigger, they would have been more noticeable.” I go over everything Devon had told me, including them not being able to track Neah unless they were close by. “Do you think they were looking for recruits?” He asks.
‘The city doesn’t just have Wolves. A lot of humans work there, unsuspecting of our kind. So yes, it’s a possibility.” “We should have researched them more.” “We weren’t to know. They smelt like Wolves, they acted like Wolves. It’ was as simple as that. However, the contract they wanted was never about needing support or Neah. I believe they are looking for a way to teardown. And it all started with the very thing I’ve created.” “They wouldn’t be the first, Dane. There have been plenty over the years including your own brides that have tried to get out of your contracts or ones that were just doing it to gain information. Now if Treya and the rest were to turn a load of people, we both know that we still have the numbers. And they are the most skilled fighters. Your brother made sure of that.
He frowns at me, “How is Neah reacting to the information?” “She’s unaware. She was fast asleep when I left.” There’s a noise from upstairs and we both wait patiently to see if one of his hoys appears. A few minutes passed and there was silence “but we still decided to take the conversation outside. “Is she alright?” Eric asks. “She was oddly quiet on the way back from the city. Not in the sway as when we brought her back here the first night.” “I think it’s justskind of shock. She seems te-like Klaus and I think seeing someone she likes so close~ to deaththas made her feel a bit aut of sorts.” I couldn’t even say she was panicked because that was not thefeeling I was getting from her. “Thanks for getting her out of there.” He cocks an eyebrow at me. “You never need to thank me. I am your Beta and I will go out of my way to protect your mate. It’s my duty. “You’ve never been interested in protecting the other brides.” He shrugs his shoulders with a smirk, “You never claimed them.” We sat for hours in his garden, trying to cup with a plan. Eventually the sun comes up and his boys appear within minutes, demanding food for their ‘starving stomachs’.
Eric looks at me. “She needs to be on board for our next move. It won’t work without her.” She needs a hell of a lot of confidence.’ Aero mutters Then let’s help her find it.” So much for our run.’ Aero grumbles.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?