Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
In my eyes, she wasn’t evil. She just wanted revenge, a revenge that was more than deserved. But when it cto it. I wondered if she could actually go through with killing them.
“Take sof the warriors into the city. See if you can find anything.” I tell Eric. I wanted talone with Neah “Do you wantto take Devon? I mean, he should be able to sense them, right. It might make it a little easier.” “Don’t let him out of your sight.” “Not a chance.” As he stands up to leave, I tell him to kill them on sight. And I notice Neahs lips are a little curved up. Her smile disappears when she realises I’m locking at her and she lowers her face, embarrassed that she had been caught. “We have wasted enough time.” I tell her. “I’m sick of their games or whatever they want to call it. Death can’t cquick enough for them.” .. Lalways thought that they ranteddead but I could never understand why they didn’t just kill e.” Shells her legs up in frontef rl begged for death. There were right here I wished the oan Goddess wouldn’t make mewake in the I morning. I even thougat about throwing myself down the stairs” “You kept fighting.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “I didn’t want to.” “If you hadn’t, our paths would not have crossed You would not be sitting daa me, claimed. Instead you’would likely be knocked up, raped by one of the many men i in Moonshine.” I wasn’t intentionally trying to scare her, instead, vas toying to give her shope that everything that has happened has led her to me. “If they do find me….”
I cut her off, my eyes locked on hers. “I will burn everything to the ground to find you. But they would also need to killfirst. Or it would kill you anyway.”
To fucking right. The whole world can burn for all I care!’ Aero announces. It was something we could finally agree on She sits quietly, hugging her legs.
“You know it would be easier if you just spoke tame. As much as I enjoy reading your mind, you do liketon make it difficult, with your thoughts not fostissing on one thing. I’vetold you.b before. You don’t have to\keep quiet here. If you have something ike) say, say it.” She shakes her head at”Neah?” She scowls. “W…why would they agree to bindso many times?” X
“We said “No, the um…. the witches?” “MadCurie said you were powerful. That she had never seen anything like it. She bound you twice and wouldn’t do it again. Fucking bitch!” My fist slams against the table, making Neah jump.
Neah clutches her legs tighter as she stares atwith wide blue eyes “She knew the consequences. She wouldn’t bind you a third time. That’s what she meant when she said she wouldn’t do it.” I was furious. “I thought…” Neah whispers, “I thought she told you the truth.” “She usually does, eventually.” ‘There are too many trying their luck with us.’ Aero murmurs. ‘We need to remind them who the top Wolf is!’ Glancing over at Neah, her face rested on her knees and her eyes had closed.
Is she asleep?’ Aero asks “Neah?” I had just been talking to her.
She doesn’t stir as I try waking her.
She’s been sleeping a lot lately.’ Aero mutters. ‘Have you noticed that?’ She’s probably still adapting to life here. She was exhausted. Her body is just playing catch up.’ ‘Who are you trying to bullshit? You’ve been asking her if she feels okay for days now!’ Placing the back of my hand against her forehead, I feel the extrheat she is giving off. It was new, I hadn’t felt it when I had my arm around her. “Neah?” She still doesn’ stir “Neah?” I try shaking her shoulders to wake her. Her legs fall down as her head rolls back, Her heart is beating just as steady as ever. It didn’t make sense why she wasn’t waking up RAVENT’ I link my sister, demanding that she comes straight away. She arrives in minutes and quickly tends to Neah. Checking her over, she tellsthat she can find nothing wrong.
“Then tell me, why is my mate burning up?” “I don’t know.” She frantically rolls up Neah’s sleeves, investigating her arms “What are you looking for?” “I don’t know. A needle site, a bite, she could be having a reaction to something?” “She can heal.” Neah coughs ig her unconscious State, anda tiny bit of bright red appears at the corner of her mouths Forcing ker mouth open, I smell I the blood kefore I see it. Her mouth> quickly starts to fill with it and if hacin’t leaned her forward, she would likely have choked on it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. What has she eaten?” Raven mutters as she continues to search Neah’s arms. “I don’t know. She hasn’t had anything since we have been in the office.” Looking around the room. I look for something she might have touched, or something that didn’t belong. Nothing seemed out of place “I need her in the hospital, Dane. I can’t treat whatever this is, here.
Picking Neah up, I carry her on her side so. that she doesn’t choke Ons the blood. There were many things we could heal from, but suffocation was not one of them. ~ By the twe got to the hospital. Neah’s heart is racing. It’s almost impossible to hear a single heartbeat under the constant hum “We need to strip her.” Raven mutters. “Something has to have happened.” “Surely he wouldn’t be so stupid.” I mutter, helping to remove Neah’s top.
“Who?” “Devon. Neah let him out and he held her wrist, moments before he made a threat.
“Woah, that is a lot of information in one sentence.” Raven murmurs las she tugs Neak’s jeans off. “Where did he grab her?’ “Her wrist.” Checking her wrists again, there was nothing. No sign of anything that looked even a tiny bit different.
Then I see tt. A small raised bump just off ofher shoulder and as I look at Neal, 1 see blood leaking from her See ears and already knew what she had-been injected with. This@ould natbe happening. “”
Raven quickly draws sfluid out of the small bump. A clear liquidm mixed with a little of her blood. “Is En that what I think it is?” “Blood of Wolfsbane.”
Dane “Shit, shit, shit!” Raven panics, frantically searching through the cupboards, pulling out small bottles and tubs, looking for something. “Neah, breathe.” I beg. She was in agony. I could feel it. I could feel her slipping away. She lets out a harrowing gasp. Spluttering blood all over me, just as more blood starts to drip from her nose.
‘I can’t find it! Where is it?” Raven cries “Raven,” My voice drops to a whisper. “Raven, there is nothing we can do.” “I have it, where is it?” Raven sobs as she tears through another cupboard It had been a long tsince I had seen Raven cry like this. The fear, the panic, the unknown. She hadn’t reacted this badly when Salem rejected her. In fact she hadn’t been like this since our parents died.
“Raven, stop!” “No, it’s here, there is still time!” Neah’s rapid heartbeat had slowed. It was barely beating and her breaths are growing shallow. She was in agonising pain and blood was now leaking from the inner corners of her eyes.
“HERE!” Raven turns around and jabs a huge syringe straight into Neah’s heart Her heart stops completely.
“What the fuck have you done?” I growl at my sister ‘It’s an antidote! “There’s no antidote for this! “I paid a Witch in the city to helpmake it.” Big fat tears are rolling down her cheeks. “After you guys were almost poisoned, I had to find something. It has to work. It has too!” I stare at my sister. An antidote was just not heard of, not for Blood of Wolfsbane. If there were one, every Wolf pack would have it readily available. Listen.’ Aero mutters Her heart slowly starts to beat. Faint, but nonetheless beating. Neah’s lungs are beginning to fill properly too as she sucks in oxygen. She coughs a little, bringing up less blood than before.
Raven keeps her distance, afraid to cany closer. “She will need to rest.” She mumbles, refusing to meet my eyes.
“Why would he do this? He has spent all his ttelling us about Lycans, beggingto keep his sister safe. Why would he do this?” I mutter more to myself than Raven.
“Where is he now? “With Eric, they are on their way to the city to try and track Trey and his bitch.
‘I don’t know him, but hasn’t he been in the dungeers for ages? He wouldn’t have had access to any of this. Anckyou said he grabbed her> wrist, She wasn’t injected in her» wrist Raven moves to ano her cupboard, pulling out wipes” She Stéps towards Neah, “May1?” I give her a nad and she starts wiping the bléod from Neah’s face as it finally stops leaking out. “That. was nureBlood of Wolfsbane, nots leaves t that had been leftto marinate, That’s fresh from the stem, ‘m certain you toldthat it only lasts so long this way Like i has to be used immediately.” She was right, I had.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?