Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
“It doesn’t add up. Who else has she seen recently?” Raven asks “Eric, Klaus. Shit! “What?” “Veronica, she saw us coming from the dungeons. she fell into Neah.
“No, surely she wouldn’t do this. Surely…..Actually, I don’t know why I’m even defending her.
“Does anyone else know about the antidote?” I ask “No, well, just you now.” She combs Neah’s hair back, trying to wipe the blood out.
“Keep it that way.”
Raven scowls at me, her eyes widening. “You are going ṭatell hey are m Veronica she killed her?’ “Well that was her plan, wasn’t it? I might as well let her think it worked.” “I assyou are….” “Of course I am. She isn’t spending another night with air in her lungs.”
Pressing my hand against Neah’s forehead, I could feel that her fever was retreating. Fdidn’t want to leave her, but this had to be done. “Don’t let anyone in and definitely do not speak to anyone.” I tell Raven
Walking out the hospital, I link sof the pack as make my way across the grounds to where Veronicahad conveniently bumpel into us, There was nothing on the ground, nothing buried in the-snow, but:she already knew that itwould b@a mistake to drop something.
I link her to meet me.
She was hesitant at first, which is unlike her. But moments later, she appears. Seemlingly happy about the blood splatters on my shirt. “You wanted to see me? ‘I’ve been thinking about what you have said.” “Oh?” She flutters her eyelashes at me. “Have you realised she is not the one for you?” “I have thought about a lot of things since your return.
Her fingers immediately go to her hair, twirling a strand of it as she focuses on me. “I knew it, Dane. I knew she wouldn’t be enough for you. I knew you just felt sorry for her.” “But that’s the issue, isn’t it. ‘m mated to her. I can’t do anything with you while I’m mated to her. I can’t kiss you. I can’t run my tongue over your sweet skin. I can’t claim you and I definitely cannot fuck you.” Her brow dips a little in confusion, “Is she not dead? “Now how would you know about that. Veronica? “LoL “So it’s okay for you to stutter but not Neah?” I had heard Neah’s thoughts on the interaction Her eyes widen as she tries to back away.
“Oh no. Not this time.” I grab her shoulders, holding her firmly in place. “I told you, desperation doesn’t look good on you. I warned you to stay away from Neah.” “You owe me! “No, not anymore.
Lifting her off the ground she kicks and screams. Fighting to get out of my grip. “Dane please, I did this for us.” “There is no us. If you had just left things alone, I wouldn’t be taking you to fight for your life.” “Please, no. We protect our own, she isn’t one of us!” She screams out “It’s like you said, Veronica. You needed a pack, but we didn’t need you.” I drop her at the edge of the forest where many of my people had already shifted into Wolves and are eagerly waiting. “No, please Dane.” “You made Neah suffer, I think it’s only fair you get to suffer too.” Tears are running down her face. “I’m sorry. I won’t do this again. I won’t. I will leave. Please! “Run!” I take a step back, removing my shirt, watching her slowly turn to the forest. “Thirty second head start.” “I’m sorry.” The others are growling at her, digging their paws into the soil as they hunched down, ready to pounce.
She backs away into the forest, running as fast as she can. I could hear her gabbing as she moved, she doesn’t’s Shift and sticks to running? on tworfeet. She most likely knew ther@was not a single hope ¢ of her getting out of this. Shifting into my Wolf. I walk back and forth in front of the others. They had all been chosen to hunt now because they would be on duty during the pack run, keeping an eye on Neah.
As soon as I give the go ahead, they charge ahead-of me, quickly picking up Veronica’s scent. Their legs= power over the uneven ground, SS E quickl¥turning when her scent-> moves in a different direction cowsd still hear her and already knew that she wouldn’t make itfar. I’m quickly linked to say that she is surrounded. I could hear her begging them as I slowly made my way towards them. Piece by piece.’ Aero growls Veronica’s face is stained with tears. The mud in her blonde hair suggested that she had tripped over at spoint. Her eyes move between all of us as she begs for her life. It wouldn’t make a difference, her death is certain.
I give the Wolves the go ahead.
They lunge at her like they would a deer or a stag Her screams filled the forest agthey began tearing flesh fropMier bones It doesn’t fake long for Her screams to become> silenta’s her heart stops beating. Her eyesvare frozen wide as they? continue ripping her apart! hoped that in her final moments? she felt the pain that she put Neah in. Ashburn >
Dane I sit at her bedside, watching every little muscle twitch, willing Neah to open her eyes. She wasn’t dead. I would have felt it if her soul had crossed over. Which meant the antidote had worked on slevel, but what irreparable damage had the Blood of Wolfsand done? We wouldn’t know until she woke.
Eric still hadn’t linkedeither and my patience was waning. It wasn’t like him to go so long without checking in and when I tried speaking to him through mindlink, he cutoff without a single word “You should get srest.” Raven mutters from the doorway. “It’s almost midnight and you have the pack run ‘I’m not leaving her side.
“I can sit with her.” “Like I said, I am not leaving her side.” She steps in and passesa folded shirt, “At least change your top, you still have her blood on you.” I glance down at my blood splattered shirt and agree that itis probably not what Neah would want to see when she wakes up. “You haven’t said anything since you have been back, about Veronica.” Raven mumbles “She’s dead. That is all you need to know.” “You hunted her, didn’t you?” “Did you expectto let her final breath be easy?” She givesone final glance and backs out of the room I hate this.’ Aero mutters You andboth.’ We have been in control of everything for so long, but things keep slipping through. Dane. Important shit.” ‘Are you trying to tellyou saw this coming?’ I snap at my Wolf No, of course not.’ Then you should have seen it. We both should have. Veronica has done sdark things in her past. I should have known that she would find a way to hurt Neah, especially after I told her she had no chance.’ Blood of Wolfsbane?’ He mutters, ‘That is something we couldn’t prepare for.’ Raven did! She knew there was a chance it could happen.’ Aero drops into silence, he knew I was internally punishing myself and that wasn’t going to change any tsoon Changing into the black shirt, I seen Neah’s fingers twitch a little. LS Immediately grabbing her hand, talk to her, hoping that my vaice would somehow help her wake up.
Raven is soon replaced with Klaus, he lightly knocks on the door and frowns as he scans Neah. “Did you find it?” I ask without looking up “Yes, and there was plenty of it.
“What do you mean?” “She had a room full of them. Easily forty or fifty individual plants. She knew what-she was doing. Not only I were thereplants, she had waders,a thi ck jacket and gloves, one of those beekeeper hats. The girl knew. what she Was doing. And she was- planning something big. Shé had enough to do sseridtis damage to the pack.” “And? “We bumed the entire room. Nothing remains, including Veronica’s bones.” He takes a step towards Neah and sighs.
“Neah has more enemies than you, Dane. For someone who knewnothing about her own life, how could she have made so many enemies?” “Her enemies are my enemies.” I mutter. Klaus takes a seat in the only empty chair. “I assthe brother doesn’t know.” “He and Eric are yet to return.” “I’m sure they are fine. Maybe they have a lead and are tracking them.” “You sound confident. ‘I have to be hopeful.” Klaus givesa small smile “Hopeful?”
“Think about itsshe is skind of miracle. Whetelse can say they have been bound’ this many times and ve flive to tell the tale. And now poisoned-by something so deadly to our kind” He frowss as he stares at my mate. ‘Has she made any progress?”
“No. Her heart rhythm is steady. Raven says that everything is spot on. “Maybe her brain just needs need t tto process. Maybe the shock of what has happened has made her body shut down.” “Her mind is a mess.” I sigh. “None of it makes any sense. I can’t tell if she is reliving memories, or whether she’s dreaming. I just know she is confused.” “So talk to her. Use your voice to guide her.” “You believe in that?” ‘I’ve heard of stranger things happening. Or if you feel uncomfortable doing that, I can read to her.” He pulls a small book out from the inside of his jacket.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?