Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
It wasn’t quite blame, because that is a look I would recognise anywhere. One that I received regularly at Moonshine. Here, I couldn’t quite figure it out, but it was definitely something and Nyx didn’t help, challenging anyone who she didn’t like the look of.
She would hurtle herself forward, taking control for just a second and I couldn’t figure out how to stop her and she wouldn’t telleither, like it was smassive secret.
A fancy car starts making its way towards us. It wasn’t the one Alpha Dane had sent Jenson away in and as I look up to him, I see the heavy set frown. He didn’t want his brother back, but what had happened four days ago gave him little chaice.
Jenson gets out of the car, slinging a bag over his shoulder. His dark hair had grown out since I had last seen him and was almost shoulder length now.
Jenson stops less than a metre from us, dropping his bag on the floor. His dark eyes settle on me. “Well you have caused quite the problem, haven’t you.” He didn’t know everything.
Alpha Dane suddenly slides his hand into my hair, pulling it back to reveal my neck. More importantly, the mark he had given me. It was a silent warning.
“Interesting.” He grins at me. “Big bro has finally found someone to settle down with.” His dark eyes don’t leave mine. Fucking douche!’ Nyx mutters “Office.” Alpha Dane mutters to his brother, “There is a lot that we need to discuss.” The coldness in his voice sends a shiver down my spine and not in a good way.
I sit quietly in the corner of the office as Alpha Dane breaks the news of my ancestry to Jenson. Though he doesn’t mention that I’m supposed to be an Alpha.
Jenson says something that surprises us both.
“So they do exist? “You’ve heard of them? Why have you never mentioned anything to me?” Alpha Dane demands “It was a comment I heard in the city, ages ago now. At the tI just thought I had too much to drink.” “When?” Alpha Dane presses “A year, year and a half. I thought that I had teo much to drink. That my mind was playing tricks.” Alpha Danes’ crimson eyes flashed tand I khew exactly what he was thinking, it was the sthing] was. They had been recruiting fora lot longer than we thought. Maybe Devotwas one of the recruits, maybe he had been changeta long tire ago, long enough to Have learned everything about me.
‘They are surprisingly decently skilled. Compared to that first one- anyway.” Alpha Dane scratches. through the stubble on his chin. “One took out eight of my men. “~~ Jenson turns to look at me. “Eight? ‘It was a trap… He… he was going to handover to Trey.” I mumble “I see that you haven’t lost your stutter yet.” He winks at me. “Sthings never change.” “I suggest you focus on something else.” Alpha Dane growls. “I didn’t bring you back so you could hit on my mate. This is a chance to prove yourself Jenson.” Jenson turns away from me. “You mean if I am willing to help, you will letchome.” “That is the deal.” “Are you going to write a contract fortoo?” I hear his sarcasm and Nyx calls him a douche again.
“That can be arranged, but I would prefer that you do something for your family other than just think of yourself!”
‘I said I would help.” He mutters, “But I also get the feeling you are not om tellingeverything. Can’t work without all the information.” Alpha Dane looks over toand Jenson does the same. “They want me… they wantso they can put a pup in me.” I mutter in disgust because it still madefeel gross Jensons eyes narrow, “But you are marked. It will kill you if they try anything.”
“They don’t knew that, well we believe they don’t. I’m not entirely sure don’t know There what they do and don’t is &till alot of missing SS informasurrounding them and it depends if the traitor shared Lany of thesnformation we learneds”Alpha Dane murmurs X
“Okay, then just show them the mark.” He states as though that was it. I thought that would be the answer too, but Alpha Dane said it’s not as simple as that. If they find a way to kill him first, I would be free from my bonds. The sas when he killed Kyle.
Alpha Dane tells him exactly that.
“For argument’s sake, let’s say they do find a way to kill you.” He mutters to Aloha Dane “Why are they so hellbent about putting a pup in her? Surely there are other females in the pack.” “She doesn’t just carry Alpha blood, she is an Alpha!” Jenson’s dark eyes findagain, hovering onfor longer than before. I shift in my seat, and lower my gaze. Prick!’ Nyx snaps “I will help.” He mutters eventually. “Like you said, Dane. This is my htoo.” He swans from the office, muttering something about taking up his own room.
“You didn’t tell him.” I whisper “About Nyx? No, I thought it would be more interesting to see how you respond to him, now that you have another spirit residing in you. “You mean you want Nyx to surprise him?” He smiles. The first proper smile I had seen in days. “It might remind him to stay in his own lane.” “Someone will tell him, it’s not a secret.” “Perhaps, or maybe they will expect him to know. What did she think of him?” “She called him a prick.” Alpha Dane laughs. “Finally a female who can see right through him.” He leans back in the desk chair, folding his arms across his chest. “I know I haven’t been easy to live with for the last few days. But something like this just doesn’t happen to my pack.” “I know and I’m so He holds a hand up, stoppingfrom finishing my sentence. “You have to stop apologising, Neah. I know you are sorry, but you can’t feel guilt for something that was out of your control. I was the one who put you in that situation. I left you with just a few guards and the man who claimed to be your brother. You have to stop blaming yourself.
I don’t think I can. Years of being made to feel guilty can’t just be washed away. Sone could stub their toe and I would probably find a way to convince myself it was my fault.
I look up at the ceiling, trying to blink back the tears. I was expecting Nyx to comment on my weakness. but she too is quiet She had toldshe could see everything. Every little memory I had and she hated that she wasn’t there. to proteétme. She claims that she” would-Have slit their throats while theywere sleeping. And I wasalmost jeatous that I hadn’t had the balls to d@ that.
“Hey.” Alpha Dane had moved around his desk and was now standing in front of me. “I won’t stop until he is dead. I won’t stop until all of them are dead.” He cups my chin, running his thumb along my bottom lip, freeing it from my nibbling teeth. “Lethandle this.” My head moves up and down and his hand moves from my chin to my throat as he smashes his lips against mine. He suddenly pauses, resting his forehead against mine. closing his eyes and a low growl comes out “What’s….what’s wrong?” “lam being summoned. We will finish this later.” He tellsHe takes my hand, leadingfrom the office and out the house. We head directly to the forest and not to someone’s house like I was expecting.
“Where are we going?” I ask quietly He glances atwith his crimson eyes but doesn’t speak. Dread begins to fill my body. Nyx was becoming more and more restless too.
“Where are you taking me?!” I him and instantly feel snap at going to getinto a lot of trouble ifto gret. Nyx was she kept forcing herself forward.
There’s a curigsity in his eyes that I didn’t often sée. “I just want you with me. A Lycanhas been found in my forest and Klaue calledto check it out. Bent worry, he is dead.” He pauses, looking at me, “I told you, I don’t want you out of my sight. But it ismice to know that you aFe showing yourself.” We move deeper amongst the thick trees until voices could be heard. Particularly Klaus who was busy snapping at someone.
A half shifted raan was sprawled out on the floordi man I recognised, that woulscand beat= <> regularlyva man who liked to usethe metalof his belt as his form of” torture. I didn’t know his name, but I hat never forgotten his face: “He wandered in.” Klaus mutters. “Trying to claim he was a human and had lost his way. As you can see, he was killed mid shift.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?