Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
She smiles and gestures around the empty hospital. “I can come.” She finds out where he is and quickly writes out a note telling people to link her if they need her and sticks it to the table “Where is he?” He had left when we were at Beta Eric’s htalking to Jess.
“On duty.” I was definitely not supposed to be going in the forest without Alpha Dane.
We are quiet as we slip into the forest. Raven ensures we are nowhere near the boundaries as we make our way through the trees and into the darkest parts of the forest. I had asked Nyx to keep Alpha Dane out of my head too. Just for now, so that I could think.
The scents were scattered among the trees, making it difficult to pick out individual people. The pack standing guard would change places constantly to help try and keep them alert and to confuse any of those that break through.
“Does Dane know that you are this far out?” Jenson asks as he drops down from a tree, landing in front of us. “Why the hell are you up a tree?” Raven snaps. “Taking a leaf out of Devon’s book. If that was even his name. How can I help you?’ His dark eyes hover onand it sends a shiver down my spine. It always madenervous and in the moment, I was grateful that I was not alone with him.
“You wanted to speak to me?” He mutters, doing a quick scan of the grounds.
“Have… have you figured out a way of dealing with them?” “Almost. Why? Do you have sinformation that could help?” Don’t tell him.’ Nyx mutters “I…I just want it to be over.” I see Raven givean odd look. Thankfully she swallows her words.
“You cout here to askthat?” He cocks an eyebrow at us. “You know we are all out here for you. My people are working their asses off to make sure no one gets in. They are so tired that they are starting to make mistakes.
“Mistakes?” Raven quizzes “It’s been dealt with.” He mutters, brushing it off. And by the way he looked at me, I knew they had been punished. “I didn’t… I didn’t ask for any of this.
He places his hands on my shoulders. Every muscle in my body clenched as he focused on my eyes. “Are you trying to get yourself into trouble, Neah?” He slowly turnsaround until I’m facing the direction we had cfrom. “Go back to the house!” “If I accept my Alpha position, will that help?” I blurt out His hands leave my shoulders and he moves around in front of me, a deep frown on his forehead. “I didn’t think you wanted to?” “I told Alpha Dane that I think it is what they are expecting,” I sigh and look over. toRaven who nods her head at me, wantingto continue. a] thinkits a trap. I think that Devon was: dupposed to convince me. ‘to accept it. I think…” I groan, “Alpha Bane thinks I should link tem, one at a time.” “No.” I was taken back by his response. There was no pause or hesitation, just a flat out answer. “No, that’s not what they are expecting. or no, Dane is wrong?” Raven asks
“Both.” He winks
‘I don’t…I don’t understand.”
“Devon got in-your head, Neah. But what he wasdoing was finding the lengths you-will go to, to ignore the> Alpha blood. It was a game, a test I’ve sean it before. You are oneof a kind Neah. They know that and we know that too.”
“You think she should accept her role?” Raven asks “That isn’t forto decide, what I am saying is if she does, it can work in our favour.
“You wantto link them?” “Oh no. I thinkNt will piss Cassandra off. I think itil draw the bitch and the otherfudkers out, because a whether they like it or not, they will know who the Alpha is and that’s what counting on. no need ‘for linking them.”
“Plan B.” Raven mutters. “Plan B.” Jenson confirms He had been hoping for this all along. “What’s…what’s plan B?” Jenson smiles at me. “You.”
Neah My eyes flicker between both of them. They had been waiting for this. Waiting for me. Was Alpha Dane in on this? “This…this was your plan all along?” “Back up plan. Dane made it clear that you didn’t want to do this, so it was made the backup option.” Jenson muses. “And before you go getting ahead of yourself. we are not physically using you as bait.” “It’s the idea of you having control.” Raven mutters. “We know you don’t want it. We know you want nothing to do with them. But they don’t know that. As far as they will be aware, you accepting your position will mean you want it.” “Right!” It was buggingthat Jenson and Raven had already discussed this as an option Raven grabs my wrists, locking her dark eyes on me. “They are not just coming for you, they will pick us off to get to you. Our pack, as relentless as we can be, are not ready to die.
“Raven!” Jenson snaps Her hands let go ofas she turns to look at her brother. “I’m just saying we have done loads for her, she could at least do this for us.” “That’s not your call!” Jenson warns his sister with his harsh tone. “Dane will do whatever needs to be done to protect her. We can only give her her options.” Raven frowns and it takesa moment to realise that she isn’t saying this because she is angry. It’s panic, a fear that the Lycans will do something to the pack she loves.
There’s a rustle in the trees and the three of us snap our heads in that direction. Alarge Lycan dives through the bushes, charging at us. It’s the biggest one we’ve seen, easily towering eight feet tall. It holds it’s massive muscled arms out as it charges towards us.
Its eyes are locked on me, drool hangs from its razor sharp teeth. Claws are in the air, ready to attack. It doesn’t even seem phased that there were others with me. Its feet hit the ground so heavily that the earth vibrates beneath me.
Boiling white hot rage floods my system as Jenson shovesback and shifts into a black wolf. He charges at the Lycan and the Lycan sweeps him away, sending Jenson crashing into a tree like he was little more than a leaf. “Shift!” I yell at Nyx. I couldn’t protect myself this way. I knew the only way to protectand Raven was forto shift.
Nyx doesn’t hesitate, she forces herself forwasd. The pain is unbearable and thankfully it passesx quickly as my bones stretch and.aiy body ckianges. My clothes fall tathe ground in tatters and the Lycan skids to a stop in front of me, just as ify claws plunge into its.chest.
It looks dawn at the claws embedded in its chest. And unlike when I Kitled Devon, I could feel the heart pulsating against me. I could feelny claws sliding into the heart soeasily and steadily. Contént bélongs to ~ The heart races until it’s almost fighting to beat and still, I don’t retract my claws. Instead, I watch life fade from the beast’s eyes, like a dimmer switch slowly turning down My own heart flutters with joy as one by one, I pluck my claws out of the chest of the Lycan and watch him fall back, hitting the ground with a heavy thud
There were no pieces of heart on my claws this time, I was almost om disappointed. “Neal Neah, are you V alright? Raven stands looking up at me. I wanted to laugh, usually she is taller than me. I nod my head, feeling that surge of pain again. My claws disappear and my limbs shorten until it’s just me, standing naked in the forest.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?