Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
I catch sight of Dane in the window to the side of Roan. He puts a finger to his lips. ‘Keep him talking.’ his voice echoes in my head. “The witch tell you that?” Roan asks “Yes. We are a dying breed. I am the last true Lycan. That is why there was only one pack left. They are slowly dying out.
“Yet you carry twins.” He mocks.
“There is a goad chance they are Wolves.” I snap back. Deep down, hoped they Were, the idea of XN bringing nore Lycans into the world terrified me. Everything I had learned aboutmyself had all been here, in this-pack. I couldn’t raise Lycans with no knowledge of them. “Maybe, but only twill tell and I need to prepare.” “By trying to create your own? What’s your plan, Roan? To attack Dane and get payback?” “What’s going on here?” Klaus comes through from the back of the house and I don’t get any answers.
“Nothing.” Roan mutters. “I was just letting Neah know that I am leaving.
I frown. Him leaving right now was not what I needed. I needed to find Jess.
“So soon. You don’t want to stay and celebrate Neah’s birthday with the rest of us?” I try to keep the surprise on my face hidden. No birthday party had been mentioned. This had to be something to do with Dane.
‘What is Klaus up to?’ Nyx murmurs.
‘It’s tomorrowsKlaus continues, not meeting myeyes. “And you know, after everything, we all feel a < celebratisn is needed. Dane wants to throw a party. I guess it will bea jointparty. Neah’s birthday and to cel@brate winning the war. “
“A party?” Roan cocks an eyebrow at Klaus. Klaus nods, “Are you interested? After all, you did help take down multiple Lyo Lycans Roans eyes shift toand narrow. “Sure, why net. It’s been a while since I’ve celebrated anything.” “Great.” Klaus smiles at him. “Do you know where your brother is? I need to ask him too. Trying to get a list together.” “My brother left a little while ago. He’s heading back hte his wife.” ‘I see.” Klaus mutters. “That’s a shame. Oh well, more alcohol for the rest of us.” He laughs. A fake laugh.
His brother has her.’ Nyx mutters toThey live hundreds of miles away.’ I panic “I thought you might have travelled together. Seeing as you live in that direction.” Klaus presses. He had the sthought I had
“I needed to clear a few things up. I wanted to get a written letter from Dane to confirm that the contract was over. I don’t need him finding another loophole. “He said it was over. Several times.” I mutter
‘Still, it’s best to have it in writing.” Roan smirks at me. He was too~ dumb to see that klaus was digging for idformation. “But I will stay for the Celebrations, it could befun.” He turns from us and heads out of the house. “Are you not going after him?” I whisper to Klaus. “No. Dane is already on it.
I look up to the window and he has disappeared Ashburn
“What about Raven and Eric?” “We found them, unconscious in the pantry. Don’t worry, they are both fine. Just out of it. “But Jess “We will get her back. We all know that she means a lot to you.” He givesa smile but it doesn’t meet his deep green eyes. He was worried too, he just wasn’t going to admit it.
Someone needs to tell Jenson.’ Nyx murmurs.
He doesn’t want her. And that’s for the best.’ I He is still mated to her.’ Are you thinking that he will chase after her?’ I think if we tell him, we will learn what he really feels about being mated to her.’ She’s a kid.’ I mutter I know. Why do you think he really left?” Because she refused the rejection.’ She shakes her head. ‘Try again.’ Nyx mutters joyfully To wait until she turned eighteen?’ She nods, ‘She refused his rejection. He can’t do anything because he knows it will kill her. The easiest thing to do is to create distance and wait until she is old enough.’ “Talking to Nyx?” Klaus asks I nod.
“Dane will find Jess.” He tries to reassure’I hope so. Can you doa favour? “Sure.” “Link Jenson and tell him.” “He wanted to reject….. He stops when he sees my face. “You have an idea?” “Please just link him.” He nods his head at me. His eyes quickly glaze over, showing that he is in the middle of a conversation. I watch his face go through a range of different emotions before he refocuses on me. “He is on the way to meet up with Dane. It seems as though Dane had the sidea as you. He had already told him.
“We should tell the pack to keep an eye on Roan.” I mutter to Eric as I stride back and forth in front of the office window. Since he had regained consciousness, he had stayed within the office along with Raven and Klaus and I was growing restless.
Eric shakes his head at me. “As much as I understand where you are going with your idea. Dane doesn’t want the attention on him. It will just give him a reason to run. As far as the pack is concerned, Roan is staying for the party. Nothing less, nothing more.
“But Jess…..” “I know, but you have to remain present.” Eric mutters, “As soon as he suspects something, it will screw up everything.” Raven takes my hands in hers. “Jess has beclike a little sister to you. If it werethat was missing, my brother would be like you, he would want to send out a search party.
“He had to once.” Eric mutters and Raven glares at him “So I get it,” Raven continues. “And Roan has teltt you himself, she is safe for row. Dane and Jenson => know witat they are doing. And they will betpack i in no time. For now, you needtto remain calm and keep ‘those nephews of mine protected.” “Boys?” Klaus asks curiously “We don’t know for certain, but MadCurie suggested it was boys.” I tell him “As I said.” Raven smiles at me. “Try and keep yourself calm. It’s not good for you or them.” “We also neecNo continue as normal.” Erjsttells us. “Hiding here in the officeys-just going to draw more attentiom eah, you should stay with ane of us. We can keep you, updated about Jess and youhave a reason to be with each one éf us.” ‘I’m fine on my own,” He looks directly at me. “Dane’s orders.” “He’s right.” Klaus adds. “You can do tutoring with me. You can spend twith Raven because of the pups and Eric is your bodyguard when Dane isn’t about.
I silently nod
Hours passed and there was still no news. Sitting in the hospital with Raven was makingfidget. I felt the need to be doing something rather than just sitting around, waiting for news. “Here,” Raven mutters, sliding a pack of ginger biscuits across the station to me. “Dane had them placed all around the pack, just in case.
“I’m not hungry.” “No, but you look like you need to vomit.” I had been feeling this way for a while. Something just didn’t feel right. but I couldn’t put my finger on it I rub my eyes and sigh, taking the biscuits. “Anything?” She shakes her head at me. “He’s fine. you would know if something was wrong. We all would.” “I thought that we were done.” I mumble. “When I killed Cassandra and Trey and all the other Lycans were killed.
I thought it was over. But there is always something.”
“Unfortunately, that is part of being a Wolf, or in your case, a Lycan.
om Problems exist wherever we turn. It’s Why Dane has worked so hard to make our pack what it is, to limit the problems.” “And I have brought more.” I groan
“Dane knows what he signed up for.
Of all the women he has tried forming a bond with, there has been.
sh nothing like the one you share wit him. He-could have killed you the” moment he found out the trut i about you. But he didn’t. Heisn’t phased about what his pups might be, he is just happy to bea father. She smiles at me. “You make him happy.” As I smile back at her, I’m hit with a sharp pain in my heart. Just as the colour drains from Raven’s face.
Dane was in trouble.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?
Definitely loving this one, too! Kind of hard to process all of the weird typos, but I like the story!
I love this book so much!!!!!