Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
She nods her head atand rises to her feet. “It was probably Damien that crashed into you. He doesn’t like Wolves. Hell, he doesn’t like anyone. “This is a neutral zone.
Her eyes remain onas she slowly walks down the last few steps. “You all think that. You all say that when you try to pass through. Just because there is no Alpha here, it does not mean it is a neutral zone.”
Her temper was growing as she slowly steps towards me. “Wolves think they know everything.”
“You are right. My mistake. Have you claimed it?”
“We did! We made it a safe place for any of our kind.”
“It’s only this year that I have learned about your kind.”
I mutter, trying to distract her.
“Because of your mate?”
I nod.
“And she is a female Alpha?”
I couldn’t lie when I had already told her She looksdirectly in the eye. “The girl in the basement.”
Her hard face softens, “She’s alive?”
I keep my mouth closed as she watches”I thought I killed her. Is she …Is she really alive? You have to tell me! “Yes. Mallory walks away from me. Leaning against the wall, she half smiles. “She’s really alive?”
I repeat She sighs, “You know what I did, don’t you?”
‘I have been told.”
“By the girl in the basement? The one who is your mate?”
“Then you dort know everything.”
she slides dawn the wall, landing on her ass as.she scowls and picks at» the hole tr her worn out jeans. Iwas told that she was a thief. That they weréholding her prisoner until they decided what to do with her.”
She snorts “And of course I was stupid enough’to believe them. I had met her afew times before then She wasalways inthe house, =< working: I thought she was just,> skind of hired help, I didnt even know her name. And then was bitten.”
She runs her Kands through her dirty blonde hair aad sighs. “They put her in the basement, the day beforem was bitten Tellingthis story = about-fow she had stolen fami heir odms. I was stupid enough ike) believe it. Stupid enough totiust Cassandra.”
She shakes her head, leaning it back against the wall. “When that btich bit me, something took over. I was so G123 angry. I couldn’t contral it. I couldn’t bury it deep down inside like I was used to.
“She sentdown into that basement and toldto have fun. They toldthe female needed punishing I see a tear creep out and roll down her cheek. She wipes it away, acting like it never happened. “Her screams still haunt me.
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“What did you do to her?”
Jenson asks. I hadn’t even noticed he had woken and wondered how much he had heard “She begged me. Tried to tellthat the people upstairs were lying to me. Toldit was her home. That her parents had owned the house. It’s only when I look back, that I realise I didn’t see how ill she looked or how thin she was. I didn’t see the dark shadows under her eyes. All I saw was a ‘liar’ that Cassandra had described. And I believed her’ Mallory drops her head forward. “She didn’t even try to fight back. She was too weak.”
It is horrible, listening to what she is telling me. It also showed how much Neah hadn’t toldabout her past. Or maybe it was one of those things that she had learned to block out.
“Even now, I hear the cracks of her skull from when I beat her against the wall.”
“You shifted?”
Jenson asks, “No.”
She shakes her head, “I was just an angry person and suddenly had the strength of a Lycan.”
Her eyes settle onagain. “Is she really alive? You are not just lying to getto talk to you?”
“She’s alive.”
“But how? She shoula’t have survived that.”
“Because the Moon Goddess wants her to live.”
I mumble “How did you know she was an Alpha?”
Jenson asks “I overheard them talking. I never knew what the term Alpha was. Not until I broke free. Not until I met others.”
“Cassandra kicked you out after?”
Jenson presses “No. I was so disgusted with myself, I ran. I ran and didn’t stop until I could no longer hear Cassandra and her demands rattling around inside my head.”
“What about the others?” Jenson asks. I knew he didn’t believe her story. “If you were the first one, how are there others here, in this area?”
“We found each other. Or rather, they found me.”
I call bullshit! Aero snaps “Were they all bitten by Cassandra?”
I ask She nods. “For someone that rarely shifted. She liked to create us.”
She looks over to the broken window. “The sun is rising, we should get ready to move.”
Mallory disappears up the stairs. She didn’t seem as concerned about being out of our sight. Maybe there was struth to her story? I don’t buy it.’ Jenson’s voice fills my head. ‘She’s playing the ‘I didn’t know what I was doing’ card. I don’t trust her.”
You don’t have too. She said she would help us find Jess. And all she wants is money in return. I can give her that.’ Jenson frowns at me. ‘I thought you might want te kill her after what she told us.’ I do, but that won’t help us to find your mate, will it?”
“Don’t call her that!”
He snaps atand Mallory sticks her head around the corner.
Eyeballing us she snaps, “What are you talking about?”
I mutter back She slowly nods her head, Yet I see the slight narrowing of her eyes. “Right.”
She didn’t believe us, it was evident in her tone Dragging a bag, she moves back down the staircase towards us. The bag heavily thumps against each step “What’s in the bag?”
Jenson questions “Weapons.”
Her brown eyes move to me. “Where do you think this girl is being taken?”
“To a place called Dark Ridge.
She laughs, “Dark Ridge? You guys really need to cup with better pack names. But I know where that is. “What do you call the pack here?”
I ask, “For the ones who have escaped?”
“Rogues. And we are not a pack!”
Jenson muses.
“Those of us who don’t belong. Nor do we want to be a part of spack!”
She spits the words out.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?