Filed to story: The Alphas Contract Novel by Taylor West >>
Damien “Desire?”
She whispers back to me, refusing to look away. “Yes.”
Her hands rest against my chest, a small crease forming between her eyebrows. “A desire for what?”
“To live.”
She glances down to her hand resting over my heart. It beated steadily under her touch. Yet her own heart starts to race and the wind catches in her hair, firing her scent in all directions.
“You were going to die?”
She asks with a hint of concern “We all die eventually, Raven. What I mean, is that I had enough of the sshitty life. Eat, sleep, hunt. repeat. I had a desire to break free from it. Her eyes flicker back up to mine. “And Mallory helped you?”
“She did. She gavea home. She beca friend and is now practically a sister. She remindedthat just because I beca beast. it didn’t mean I needed to live as one. She still reminds me.”
“And just like that you turned back?”
“No, it was a long process. You know what humans are like with their addictions. It was the equivalent ofbeing addicted to drugs. It wasn’t easy to break free.
Her lips part a little as she thinks of something to say. “Oh.”
“Not what you expected to hear? “I didn’t know what to expect.”
she murmurs. “This entire year has been full of surprises.”
“Are you afraid?”
She hadn’t pushed herself away fromyet, but that may be because she knew she needed the crutches that were still on the grass a few feet away from us.
She shakes her head and presses herself against me. “You need to stop assuming that I am.
Grabbing the back of her head, I tilt her face up toe mine. Inhaling her delicious scent. I could claim her right here, but something tellsshe would prefer us to be alone, away from prying eyes. I settle for a kiss, moulding my lips to hers, enjoying the taste of her. Smelling her subtle arousal.
I would get to make her permanently mine scon enough Sliding a nand under her ass, I lift, her, ready-to take her back to my. place bet ‘she lets out a squeal.o of pain almost biting my lip. Her fingers dig jato my sides as she squéezes hereyes shut. – “Sorry.”
She mumbles when the pain passes.
I frown, she shouldn’t be saying sorry for something my brother did to her.
“Maybe I should just go lie down.”
she mutters with a scowl. Her frustrations are clear. “Spend stwith Neah.”
“Are you sure?”
She nods and waits forto pick up the crutches. I watch her hobble off in the direction of the packhouse. Looking up, I see Mallory hovering. Her arms folded across her chest as she looks at anything but me. “Mallory? Do you need something? “That looked intense.”
She mutters as she catches up to me.
“Did it?”
I mutter, unamused.
“Con, Damien! You know it was. What’s it like, having a mate?”
“Mallory, if youare after gossip, then I have nothing for you.”
I knew it wouldn’t bevenough to settle her. Ins the past he had openly admitted that geSsip was one of the things she missed about being human. Livitig the way we did meant she lost that part of her humanity,too. “Fine. What about Salem? How did it go with him?”
“Has Dane not been to see you?”
“No. Why would he want to see me?”
I frown, he had left the dungeons when I had. I thought he was heading over to Mallory’s house to ask her to speak to him like he had discussed with me.
“Maybe he-got side tracked.”
I cast my eyes atross the nearby grounds. m There was no sign of him, bufit! wasn’tlike the pack was smalt Any menaber of the pack might have distracted him.
“What did he want? Did he say Neah would speak to me? Was that what it was about?”
She asks hopefully “No, and you need to drop it when it comes to the Alpha. I don’t know how many more times I can tell you this, but you need to back off.”
She turns in front of me, stoppingfrom moving any further and stares at me. “I can’t keep doing this Damien. It seems pointlessbeing here. Maybe I’m not cut out for this. Maybe it’s twe parted ways.”
“You are not going anywhere. I need you here, where I can keep an eye on you.
She smiles at me. “] am not your mate, Damien. You have found her.”
“But you are my family.”
“Thirty days.”
She mutters. “I will give it another thirty days and if she still won’t talk to me, it’s tforto move on.”
“Thirty days.”
I agree. Alot could happen in a month.
Raven sits across the dining table, staring at me. Now and again she would pull that bottom lip in, trapping it between her teeth as her eyes strayed from mine. Her fingers lightly drum on the table as Dane speaks about the plans for my brother and the other prick in his dungeon.
Klaus and Eric nod their heads in agreement at Danes words “The prisoners are both set to be beheaded tomorrow at midday.”
There would be no chance for them to make a plea. In fact, Dane wanted them both dealt with as soon as possible. Personally. I don’t know why he had waited so long. It wasn’t like they were going to be released if they shared useful information.
“Is everyone in agreement?”
Dane asks all of us, but his eyes focus on me.
‘This is your pack, Dane. It is your decision. I am not here to question your judgement.”
I mutter. I wasn’t going to try and defend my brother. He lost the right to that the moment he bit into Raven’s leg Klaus and Eric stare atbefore verbally agreeing. It seemed as though theyWwere surprised by my – respons¢ too. But what would thes alternative be? Save my brotherand neverbe allowed to see my mate agai? Leave the Alpha without Lyean protection? That wasn’t going to happen. Especially not now.
“Could Mallory not get anything out of him?”
It was the first tAlpha Neah had voluntarily asked about her. Maybe there was hope for the both of them.
“No. She tried.”
I reply. “It’s like I told, Dane. Salem is too far gone. Theré is x … — no humanity left in him. If he.cared, he wouldn’t have bitten hisex mate.”
Alpha Neah briefly looks down at her stomach with a frown “They won’t be like my brother.”
I reassure her. “I will make sure of that.”
“You think they are Lycans?”
Klaus asks me.
“What do you mean?”
Raven scowls at me. “We don’t even know what they are yet and probably won’t until they are born. You can’t just assume.”
“I am not making assumptions. I can tell you what they are right now.”
I state with my attention on the Alpha.

New Book: Veiled Desires of the Alpha King Novel
Dayson was the alpha of the largest pack in North America. Powerful figures from other packs sought to offer gorgeous girls as potential mates for Dayson. He steadfastly rejected these advances, he was not a pawn to be manipulated. But eventually there came a mysterious girl he could hardly say No. Who was she?